Season 1
Neighbors from Hell is an American animated sitcom created by Pam Brady and produced by Fox Television Animation and MoonBoy Animation about a family of demons called the Hellmans who move to Houston, Texas from Hell on a mission to destroy a drill that can dig to the Earth's core, as they face a culture shock trying to fit in with humans.
The series aired in the USA on TBS from 7 June to 26 July, 2010. There are 10 half-hour episodes in one season.
Neighbors from Hell premiered in South Africa on DStv's Vuzu channel on Wednesday 29 December 2010, at 21h30. New episodes broadcast weekly.
When Satan learns that Petromundo, a huge global conglomerate, has created a super-drill that could potentially burrow to the centre of the Earth and expose Hell, he sends one of his demons to eliminate the problem.
The demon is Balthazor, a good-natured, low-level torturer who has amassed an encyclopaedic knowledge of the human condition thanks to his love of classic TV sitcoms.
Balathazor and his family head to Earth with one mission: to blend in with the humans and figure out how to destroy the drill, thus protecting Hell.
More accustomed to life in the nether regions, the Hellmans try to follow the rule of SNORFIN - Seem Normal and Fit In - but they quickly learn that humans can be more evil than any demon ever could.
Soon, the Hellmans discover that their demonic natures are no match for the twisted ways of their earthly counterparts...