Season 1
A reality show similar to The Bachelor, but with a twist of the glint of cash. 15 extremely shallow woman are invited to a mansion where they're introduced to an eligible, slightly-shallow, bachelor.
He thinks they are all there to find the perfect man, and so do they, until they're given a further incentive. They're told that the woman who is chosen by the bachelor will win $1,000,000 - a secret the bachelor can never know.
The secret the bachelorette's don't know is that if they're chosen by him as his favourite they'll ultimately be forced to choose between keeping the money or being with him.
While wining and dining them the bachelor is let in on the secret as the woman struggle to decide if they're there for love or money. He begins to examine their reactions more closely and tries to figure out what prize they're after - him or (the far more attractive option) money!