Season 1
Summer Heights High is an Australian mockumentary television series created, written by and starring Chris Lilley which is a parody of high-school life epitomised by its three protagonists: effeminate and megalomaniacal "Director of Performing Arts" Mr G; self-absorbed, privileged teenager Ja'mie King; and disobedient, vulgar Tongan student Jonah Takalua.
The series lampoons Australian high school life and many aspects of the human condition and is filmed in a documentary style, with non-actors playing supporting characters.
The series aired in Australia on ABC from 5 September to 24 October, 2007. There are eight half-hour episodes in one season.
Summer Heights High premiered in South Africa on TopTV's Top One channel on Monday 5 November 2012, at 20h00. New episodes broadcast weekly.
Summer Heights High explores what happens over one school term in an "average" Australian high school. Put down your pens, rulers, mobile phones and lip gloss... and get ready for a life lesson you won't forget.
Playing all three main characters, Chris Lilley brings to life Jonah Takalua, a mischievous schoolboy from Tonga with the odds stacked against him; Mr G, an ego-driven drama teacher with delusional showbiz dreams; and Ja'mie King, a bitchy private schoolgirl on a student exchange, set to make her mark on Summer Heights High.
Shocking, absurd and often dark, Lilley's uncanny insight into human behaviour reveals a world where small issues become huge, social groups are important, careers are built, young minds are moulded, hopes are shattered and dreams are realised.
Directed by Stuart McDonald, the series is executive produced by Princess Pictures, Laura Waters, ABC and Bruce Kane. Chris Lilley is the writer, creator and co-producer.