Season 1
Crime Traveller is a British science fiction police procedural television series created by Anthony Horowitz and produced by Carnival Films which follows the adventures of Jeff Slade, a detective with the CID department of the local police force who discovers that a colleague has a time machine which allows them to travel back in time to witness crimes as they happen and to discover who committed them.
The series aired in the UK on BBC One from 1 March to 19 April, 1997. There are eight hour-long episodes in one season.
Crime Traveller aired in South Africa on SABC3 from 26 April to 14 June, 1998, on Sundays at 19h00. New episodes broadcast weekly.
Jeff Slade's work as a detective was fairly routine, until he discovered that the police's forensic scientist, Holly Turner, had built a time machine in her apartment.
Now they make use of the time machine to solve crimes. However, they must make sure that they break none of the rules of time travel, the most important of which is the requirement to return to the time machine by the time you used it, or risk being trapped in a loop of infinity for eternity.
The show's comic approach masks some smart plotting and involved thinking about the mechanics of time travel. Trips to the future are outlawed ("It doesn't exist"), while meeting yourself in the past is prohibited lest it caused a "temporal schism".
Most importantly, travellers have to be back in front of the machine at the moment they'd embarked on their journey, or be caught in a "loop of infinity".