Season 1
Telenovela is an American single-camera sitcom television series created by Chrissy Pietrosh, Jessica Goldstein and Robert Harling as a behind-the-scenes look at a fictional telenovela, which follows the daily life of the show's star who does not speak Spanish, despite being the centre of attention from the co-stars and crew.
Eva Longoria (Desperate Housewives) stars in this half-hour comedy as Ana Sofia, the star of a popular Spanish language soap opera. One problem: she doesn't speak any Spanish.
Other problems? Ana must manage a new boss, jealous castmates and high-maintenance best friends - and that's all before her ex-husband is hired as her new on-screen love interest.
Just like a real telenovela, this comedy is full of all kinds of drama, including love, hate, life and even death! Despite all the chaos, this telenovela's cast and crew is a family... or, at least, they try to be.
The cast includes Jencarlos Canela, Diana Maria Riva, Jose Moreno Brooks, Alex Meneses, Amaury Nolasco, Jadyn Douglas and Izzy Diaz.
Chrissy Pietrosh and Jessica Goldstein serve as writers and executive producers. Eva Longoria, Ben Spector, Josh Bycel and Jonathan Fener also executive produce. Telenovela is produced by Universal Television, UnbeliEVAble Entertainment and Tall and Short Productions.