Season 1
Snitch is a South African television drama series created by Geoff Newton and produced by Endemol for M-Net Original Productions which follows the intrigues of a crack team of undercover operatives as they attempt to stop massive international crime plots.
The first season aired on M-Net from 15 July to 9 December 2004, on Thursdays at 19h30. The series later aired on SABC3.
There are 22 hour-long episodes in the first season.
Season 1 Synopsis
In Season 1 the SAPS send their undercover unit into the ruthless Carter family and worked tirelessly to bring them down.
Caz O’Donough is the young police star and the unit’s “in” into the Carter family. Her special assignment is to reconcile with her ex-boyfriend (and the father of her 4-year-old daughter Lea), Laurence Carter.
But she starts to fall in love with Laurence, which complicates matters somewhat.
Meanwhile, Sonny Carter - the head of the family - and his son Eric find out that Caz is a cop. Feeling utterly betrayed by Caz, Laurence, who previously rejected his father’s requests to join the family business, becomes more involved with his father’s shady dealings.
With the knowledge that Caz is a ‘snitch’, the Carters foil every bust that the unit organises. Members of the unit were being murdered, and Caz, who is their one hope, has her cover blown.
The season ends with a court case, a confession and a gunshot.