Season 2
The Sopranos is an American television drama series created and produced by David Chase and set in New Jersey which revolves around mobster Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini) and the difficulties he faces as he tries to balance the often conflicting requirements of his home life and the criminal organisation he heads.
Life in the suburbs will never be the same once the Sopranos move into the neighbourhood. In New Jersey it's all about family and Tony Soprano is a family man.
He attempts, with questionable success, to be a good family man on two fronts — to his wife and teenage kids — and as a capo of the New Jersey mob.
Tony's wife, Carmela, lives with Tony's anxieties and the concern that he may be a bad example to their children, Anthony and Meadow.
As Carmela says, “You know, Tony, it's a multiple choice thing with you. 'Cause I can't tell if you're old-fashioned, paranoid, or just a f**king asshole.”
The typically rebellious teenage son, Anthony Jnr or A.J., looks to male role models who are violent, foul-mouthed, hot-headed uncles and cousins.
Meadow, as she grows ready to leave home has to deal with the realization that her materially comfortable upbringing has been due to her father's full-time job: heading a crime family.
Meadow asks her father, “Are you in the Mafia?” He responds, “I'm in the waste management business. Everybody immediately assumes you're mobbed up. It's a stereotype, and it's offensive.”
Unsurprisingly, being the capo of the New Jersey mafia comes with interminable troubles.
The Sopranos is an HBO Brad Grey Television production in association with HBO Original Programming. The series was created by David Chase. Executive Producers are Brad Grey and David Chase.