Season 3
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an American supernatural fantasy television series created by Joss Whedon under his production tag Mutant Enemy Productions which follows Buffy Summers, the latest in a line of young women known as Slayers, who are chosen by fate to battle against vampires, demons and other forces of darkness.
Like previous Slayers, Buffy is aided by a Watcher who guides, teaches and trains her. Unlike her predecessors, Buffy surrounds herself with a circle of loyal friends who become known as the "Scooby Gang".
The series aired in the USA on The WB from 10 March, 1997 to 20 May, 2003. There are 144 hour-long episodes in seven seasons.
The series originally aired in South Africa on M-Net from 2 December, 1998 to 28 November, 2003. It later aired on DStv's M-Net Series channel and on TopTV's Fox Entertainment channel.
See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
Season 3 premiered on Fox Entertainment on Wednesday 23 June 2010, at 18h45. New episodes aired daily, seven days a week. There are 22 episodes in the third season.
Fox Repeats
Daily: 04h30, 09h45, 14h15
Season 3
"In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer."
Buffy Summers knows this tale by heart, and no matter how hard she tries to be just a "normal girl", she cannot escape from her destiny...
Buffy is like any other regular high-school girl - she likes boys, shopping, clothes and combat fighting.
Okay, so she’s a little different to other high-school girls and that’s because she has the pressure of defending the world against a hellmouth spewing forth the worst demons, vampires and other scary monsters imaginable.
If Buffy thought life in L.A. was tough, she realises it has nothing on her new hometown, Sunnydale.
Thankfully, she is not alone in her quest to save the world, as she has the help of her friends, the hilarious (and surprisingly quite effective) evil-fighting team called "The Scooby Gang".
Under the careful guidance of her Watcher, Giles, and her soulmate, Angel, Buffy tries to deal with the pressure of the world on her shoulders and luckily has her friends, Willow and Xander, to help her kick butt along the way.
Together, Buffy and co. will slay their demons, survive one apocalypse after another, attend high school and college... and above all, understand that growing up can truly be Hell sometimes... literally.
In the Season 3 premiere: it is the end of summer vacation, and Buffy is still missing.
Willow, Xander, Oz and Cordelia are attempting to keep the Sunnydale vampire population in check during Buffy's absence with only moderate success.
They miss having the Slayer around, but more than that they miss their friend.
Meanwhile, Buffy has been working as a waitress in L.A., going by her middle name, Anne, and trying to forget her old life. But of course, someone always needs the Slayer's help.
Season 1 (12 episodes)
Channel: M-Net | Premiere: 2 Dec 1998 | Finale: 24 Mar 1999 | Wednesdays, 17h00
Channel: Fox Entertainment | Premiere: 20 May 2010 | Finale: 31 May 2010 | Daily, 18h45
Season 2 (22 episodes)
Channel: M-Net | Premiere: 31 Mar 1999 | Finale: 25 Aug 1999 | Wednesdays, 17h00
Channel: Fox Entertainment | Premiere: 1 Jun 2010 | Finale: 22 Jun 2010 | Daily, 18h45
Season 3 (22 episodes)
Channel: M-Net | Premiere: 5 Nov 1999 | Finale: 31 Mar 2000 | Fridays, 17h00
Channel: Fox Entertainment | Premiere: 23 Jun 2010 | Finale: 14 Jul 2010 | Daily, 18h45
Season 4 (22 episodes)
Channel: M-Net | Premiere: 15 Sep 2000 | Finale: 23 Feb 2001 | Fridays, 17h00
Channel: Fox Entertainment | Premiere: 13 Jan 2011 | Finale: 3 Feb 2011 | Daily, 17h15
Season 5 (22 episodes)
Channel: M-Net | Premiere: 3 Aug 2001 | Finale: 25 Jan 2002 | Fridays, 17h00
Channel: Fox Entertainment | Premiere: 4 Feb 2011 | Finale: 25 Feb 2011 | Daily, 17h15
Season 6 (22 episodes)
Channel: M-Net | Premiere: 9 Aug 2002 | Finale: 17 Jan 2003 | Fridays, 17h00
Channel: M-Net Series | Premiere: 11 Jun 2006 | Finale: 5 Nov 2006 | Sundays, 22h00
Channel: Fox Entertainment | Premiere: 26 Feb 2011 | Finale: 19 Mar 2011 | Daily, 17h15
Season 7 (22 episodes)
Channel: M-Net | Premiere: 4 Jul 2003 | Finale: 28 Nov 2003 | Fridays, 17h00
Channel: M-Net Series | Premiere: 15 Apr 2007 | Finale: 9 Sep 2007 | Sundays, 22h00
Channel: Fox Entertainment | Premiere: 20 Mar 2011 | Finale: 10 Apr 2011 | Daily, 17h15