Season 4
Seinfeld is an American television sitcom created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld, with the latter starring as a fictionalised version of himself. Set predominantly in an apartment block on Manhattan's Upper West Side, the show features a host of Jerry's friends and acquaintances, including George Costanza, Elaine Benes and Cosmo Kramer.
The series aired in the USA on NBC from 5 July, 1989 to 14 May, 1998. There are 180 episodes in nine seasons, including two-part episodes and clip shows.
The series originally aired in South Africa on SABC3 in the 1990s. It premiered on TopTV's Fox FX channel on Saturday 1 May 2010, at 17h30. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
Season 4 premiered on Fox FX on Sunday 27 June 2010, at 17h30. New episodes broadcast daily in a double bill. There are 24 episodes in the fourth season.
Fox FX Repeats
(double bill)
Daily: 09h15, 23h00
Season 4
Seinfeld was first conceived in the late 1980's by top US stand-up comedian Jerry Seinfeld with friend Larry David (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Saturday Night Live).
Originally titled "Stand Up", the show revolves around a comedian and how he gets his material.
Nothing much happens as far as story arcs are concerned (the cast don't end up sleeping with each other at one point or another), but each episode is crammed full of completely-impossible-and-yet-totally-likely events that could only come from the combined insanity that is Seinfeld/David.
Jerry Seinfeld plays himself, the comedian.
A regular character is George, Jerry's best friend. George is neurotic and a complete misfit, who understands human interaction like Saddam Hussein understands diplomacy.
Jerry's neighbour, Kramer, is possibly the most well-rendered character in the history of television, with his trademark door-opening technique and unmanagable hair.
Jerry's ex-girlfriend Elaine rounds off the cast.
In the two-part Season 4 premiere:
With Elaine in Europe, Jerry asks George to accompany him on a trip to LA and The Tonight Show; while there they will try to locate Kramer.
While auditioning, Kramer must deal with the advances of an older female landlord (an actress who hasn't worked since 1934) and get someone in Hollywood to read his script treatment.
A body is discovered; the victim, a young woman, was strangled. Kramer meets a woman at an audition and he gives her a copy of his script.
Jerry loses the correct phrasing for some new jokes and George tries to get Lupe, the chambermaid, to make his bed just right.
At The Tonight Show, George disturbs the guests and Jerry bombs. The woman Kramer gave the script to is strangled and his script is found in her possession. Kramer's face is shown on the news as the prime suspect for the 'Smog Strangler,' a serial-killer.
Jerry and George try to contact the police to tell them Kramer is innocent. Kramer still doesn't know he's wanted. Jerry and George get a ride in a police car and en route the officers pick up a possible 519. While the suspect is in the back of the car with George and Jerry, they ask him for tipping advice.
When all units are called to Kramer's building, Jerry and George leave the police car door open and the 519 suspect escapes. While Kramer is in for questioning, another victim is found.
Kramer is released and Jerry and George ask him his plans. He is going to stay in LA. Jerry and George are back in New York and Kramer walks in as if nothing has changed.
When Kramer leaves, Jerry tosses him his keys, restoring his key privileges.
Note: this information pertains exclusively to the run of the show on Fox FX. Original broadcast dates for the SABC are not available.
Season 1 (5 episodes)
Premiere: 1 May 2010 | Finale: 3 May 2010 | Daily, 17h30 (double bill)
Season 2 (12 episodes)
Premiere: 3 May 2010 | Finale: 9 May 2010 | Daily, 17h30 (double bill)
Season 3 (22 episodes)
Premiere: 10 May 2010 | Finale: 20 May 2010 | Daily, 17h30 (double bill)
Season 4 (24 episodes)
Premiere: 27 June 2010 | Finale: 8 July 2010 | Daily, 17h30 (double bill)
Season 5 (22 episodes)
Premiere: 9 July 2010 | Finale: 19 July 2010 | Daily, 17h30 (double bill)
Season 6 (24 episodes)
Premiere: 18 June 2011 | Finale: 29 June 2011 | Daily, 16h00 (double bill)
Season 7 (22 episodes)
Premiere: 30 June 2011 | Finale: 8 July 2011 | Daily, 16h00 (double bill)
Season 8 (22 episodes)
Premiere: 12 July 2011 | Finale: 22 Jul 2011 | Daily, 16h00 (double bill)
Season 9 (24 episodes)
Premiere: 23 July 2011 | Finale: 3 August 2011 | Daily, 16h00 (double bill)