Season 9
The animated comedy Bob's Burgers returns for a well-done ninth season.
The series follows the ups and downs of Bob (H. Jon Benjamin), who runs Bob's Burgers with the help of his wife and their three kids. Bob has big ideas about burgers, but his family falls short on service and sophistication.
In the Season 9 premiere, "Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for Now": Convinced she's met the love of her life, Tina decides to disguise herself as a boy and sneak into the Boyz 4 Now auditions to find him.
Back at the restaurant, Teddy asks the rest of the Belcher gang to nurse his baby rat back to health.
A 20th Century Fox Television production, Bob's Burgers was created by Loren Bouchard (Home Movies). Bouchard and Jim Dauterive (King of the Hill) serve as executive producers and writers, with animation produced by Bento Box Entertainment.