Ever sat in front of the TV, channel hopping like mad but can't find anything you think you'll actually like to watch?
That was pretty much my TV-viewing behaviour for the past three years. There are of course those must see favourites that you've discovered along the way, but other than those, do you ever feel like there is nothing worthwhile to be watched?
Have you actually checked the "lesser-known" and speciality channels in your quest for entertainment?
I was one of those people who'd check the usual suspects i.e. Mnet, ActionX, some Movie-Channels and occasionally E! Entertainment.
I tended to stay away from anything that looked remotely educational (Since I'd just finished school and really didn't want to learn any more Science than was absolutely necessary). Stayed away from the Travel channel as I thought it would just lead to depression since I coudn't afford such extravagance. Never even thought about tuning into the Food Network as scrambled eggs and basic pancakes tends to be as far as my culninary expertice extends...
What a rude awakening did I get when I finally decided to try out some of these channels?
Today I'll talk about Discovery and National Geographic...
These were two of those "Educational" Channels I had shot down for fear of being reminded of all things High School.
Man was I wrong.
These people makes Education and all things related seem fun!
They use some incredible technological innovations to get to the bottom of some of the biggest disasters in recent history.
They show us those jobs that you wouldn't dare wish on your biggest enemies, and this is done with a SMILE on the face.
They show some really stupid people, doing even stupider stunts - and man isn't it enjoyable to see stupid people doing exhilarating, adrenaline inducing, absolutely mind-blowing stupid stunts?
Really why not spend your time watching people doing things you can only dream of doing. THIS is Reality TV at its best! This is real people!
So next time you don't know what to watch, next time you feel the need to bemoan the DSTV for their lack of quality programming. First head over to these channels, and see if you may not be surprised by some of the best, funniest shows on TV today.
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