Hi everyone! We're looking for a new TVSA logo and we need you! - the people who know the site and what it's all about better than anyone else in the world.
What we're looking for is a definitive logo that we can use as TVSA's trademark signature for the top banner of the site and we want you to go wild designing your ideas for us to take a look at.
Specifications:Here are guidelines as to what we need in your design:
Wording: The logo has to have TVSA in it. Please don't include "The South African TV Authority" as part of it.
Size: The width is not important but the height needs to be a minimum of 200 pixels.
Format: You can submit your design in any format i.e. jpg, gif, tiff, png etc.
Please be sure to keep the original photoshop psd document (or whichever similar programme you use to do your design). If we use your logo we'll need it in this original format.
Colour scheme: Experiment with any colours you like while paying attention to them fitting in with the look and feel of the site.
Number of logo's: If you're feeling inspired please feel free to submit as many logo's as you like.
Submitting your design:Once you've completed your logo please post it up on the TVSA forums in this thread:
TVSA Logo Competition.
We won't be able to respond to and give comment on each logo submitted but we'll be keeping a close eye on absolutely everything that goes up. You can also use this forum to get feedback on your design from other TVSA members and also chat about what you've done and pose questions you might have.
If you're not a registered member yet be sure to use a valid and current e-mail adress when you sign up as we'll need it to contact you should you win. If you're already registered do a double-check that you signed up with a valid, working adress.
If you're not submitting a logo please keep a close check on this thread too and assist us by giving your impressions on the different designs.
The Competition:
In addition to the zing of having your design on every page of TVSA, the winning logo-ist will also win a funky webcam.
The search and competition is open-ended - there's no closing date for submissions and the competition will end when we find a suitable logo. If we aren't able to use any of the submissions the prize won't be awarded.
The Winning Logo:
Should we find what we're looking we'll get in touch with the winner, make an announcement and the new logo will become part of the site.
We know loads of you are very creative so we're super-excited to see what you come with!
Go for it and have fun!