What do you think of the Wilson brothers' looks and talent? I can stand Luke for about 5 minutes but Owen is too irritating for me to watch.
It really has nothing to do with his nose but Owen irritates me. Oh, the Shanghai movies he did with Jackie Chan, what a waste of time!! Though my lil nephews would disagree with me, I thought those movies were really whack.
Did you see him in You, Me and Dupree??? Oooohhh, I had a love and hate relationship with his character! Felt sorry for him one minute and hated him the next...
So what is it about him that women find so attractive? His nose? Humour? Please help!!
As for Luke, well, I don't know. He's definitely the better looking of the two and I think he has more talent than his older brother but why does he do similar roles? Is it a matter of sticking with what you know?
How about him being a Spiderman, James Bond or XXX? he he he just asking.
Okay so would you date a Wilson? Which one? Why? Why not? Would you even worry about your baby's nose or will the stardom compensate for it?