Soul City has changed so drastically since the early days. Yeah, they still have the lessons
(you know when you want to pull out your textbook and refer) but there is always new characters and new storylines that never relate to those on the previous series
(like at all). I was thinking that with all these changes, maybe they should change the name “
Soul City”.
SC has 3 things
(for lack of a better word) that have been around for a while:
Sol (the AIDS counsellor),
Masakhane clinic and
Sister Bettina. mhhhh...
Sol is def not a cool name for a series and
Masakhane sounds like a supermarket ko loxion
(you know bo Sisonke, Masisizane etc).
Sister Bettina?
Perfect!!! She has been the since SC one tot nou,
she is a brand... she is Soul City!!! I approve the name
Sister Bettina as a replacement for
Soul City. And with
Mgarimbe’s hit track as the theme song, tell me we don’t have a winner here....
Sister Bettina has even inpspired people like MgarimbeSo last night’s episode was episode one. There’s this girl... name’s
Portia... very young... 15yrs old actually... lives with her aunt at her aunt’s Mlungu’s house. So she’s washing the dishes and all of a sunday, she is feeling sick and wants to go to the hospital. The genius in me had already figured out what was wrong. Aunty tells that it’s late, she’ll go in the morning and besides, she doesn’t have transport money. So she packs her clothes... write her aunt a note that she has taken off... won’t be back... wara wara.
She goes to ask for taxi money from her uncle, who is at a shebeen. She tells her uncle gore she is leaving. The uncle gets on some “no don’t tell anyone about this blah blah blah”, but they don’t say what the secret is. Oh well, probably not interesting anyway. He gives her taxi money... yes at that time of the night. She is walking along this road and meets these 2 boys and a girl (from the SC before this one). I was hoping I had seen the last of bab’ Jabu’s son Yaaaaaaaawn. Anyway the other boy is drunk and starts hitting on this child he he he. Then he hits her with a bottle. I LMAO when he said he wasn’t throwing it at her, the wind must have blown it. Yeah, I know I am sick sick person!!!
To cut the long story short, she walks to Masakhane clinic and the staff finds her in the morning having given birth. Apparently she had tied the umbilical cord with a shoe lace???
Eish the reason I wrote this blog (cos clearly the show is not is because I am disappointed with the first episode.
Yeah, sue me for never giving any props!!! This Portia girl... fine she is the main character, but the whole episode was just one looooong scene. I promise you, I can even give directions from Aunty’s place to the shebeen and to Masakhane clinic.
CHANGE SCENES!!! And the creativity that went behind the making of that episode is non-existent!!! Bathong! I am not saying it must be on the Jozi H tip, but SC used to rock, very upbeat with good storylines, great characters. Yeah, okay, it’s too early to tell but judging by the last 2 seasons, I will prepare myself to be entertained to the bare minimal. *sigh.