I'm very much concerned about the high rate of Divorces in Mzantsi worldwide. It seems as if Divorcing is the "in-thing" and here am i used to think that taking a vow b4 God's eyes was like swearing (rite word?) under oath. In the good olden (spelling??) days, marriage was sumthing so precious, valuable and it stood the test of time (look at our parents, grandparents, our forefathers) but nowadays marriage is like a fashion trend, sumthing u can get in & out of for the fun of it.
Personally i think ppl marry for wrong reasons, the most dominating factor being the financial security. Today we read about wives killing their husband (or vice versa) & for what? coupla rands?/possessions? Y the greed vele? I keep wondering ukuthi if sum1 has walked down the aisle more than 1ce, does s/he really (i mean really) mean his/her vows?
Why the marriage route if u not ready? (financially,emotionally, mentally) or if u know that's not what u want?
What do we really MEAN when saying "I do"?
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