In 22 years, Oprah has never abandoned her show but I guess a room full of men with medical questions warranted her walking off and allowing Dr Oz to host the show (11/02/2008) for her. She would sit backstage with some of the men’s wives and view the show. The show was a little explicit and all I am doing is reviewing it; and for my feelings of let’s say “parental sensitivity” will call the Penis “member”
Dr Oz and OprahWell, I figured that their first topic would be about blood pressure, diet or diabetes but Hell No!! I’ll give you 5c if you can guess what it was: Yep, The member and its issues. Men! Come on guys, why the hell do you always have to ask about the little dude first? Even on previous Oprah shows, most questions the men would ask is about this part of their anatomy. Are women similar? Or do we focus on why we get fat?
Broken Member
Back to the Oz show; the first question was from an anonymous email that read something along the lines of “My girlfriend sat on my lap and I heard a pop. Now I can’t feel niks when I have sex” The first true Oprah-style guest, Dr Ray Callas , had had first hand experience and was willing to discuss how it happened. His member had “broke” while he was having sex with his wife – he was rushed into the emergency room for surgery and now he has 2 healthy children.
Dr Ray CallasDr Oz explained what would cause a member to “break”; he describes the pop as a rapture that requires medical attention. He compared the member to a sausage that gets forced into something hard, misses and cracks. Ouch! To fix it the doctors will fix that little hole.
To circumcise or not to circumcise
Men worry about their member a little too much, I think. They asked what the benefits of having a circumcision is and what the myths are about being circumcised and not. They mentioned how they had heard that a circumcised member loses feeling on the tip; an uncircumcised member is hard to clean and collects dirt.
Dr Oz explained that a circumcised member is hygienic, reduces risks of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases and viruses. So even you cut for cultural, religious, cosmetic or to look like dad, it’s a good idea. BUT there are benefits to not cut as well, some people consider it disfiguring and yes, it reduces sensation during sex. I think, if I was a guy that had to choose – I would go with cutting – less sensation rather than STD!
Demostrating the un/cut memberUsing a cucumber covered in a sock Dr Oz demonstrated how to keep the member clean if you are not cut. He explained that uncut members run the risk of having 10 times more infections than cut ones. He showed how the skin needs to be pushed back and the bottom part cleaned as something called smegma can stay there and it is pretty nasty if not cleaned! He also explained that a member can get strangled by the foreskin; this is called phimosis and this is a serious emergency.
Erectile dysfunction
Dr Oz (and his teacher tactics) asked the men who had erectile dysfunction – and expected someone to raise their hand! Now now, Dr Oz, who in the world do you think would admit to such on Oprah’s show where millions of people around the world see it? Needless to say no-one raised their hand and this made Oprah, still backstage, lose her cool and break into a big laugh! She asked Dr Oz if he expected anyone to answer, she was in stitches a she teased Dr Oz.
Anyway, Dr Oz explained that the member is the “dipstick of the body”. Oh Gaad! He said it tells you when things are not well in your body so you have to check it if you can’t get it up. He explained the entire process of getting an erection and what the drugs treat. He also explained that half the men over 40 have had erectile issues at some point. He discouraged taking erectile dysfunction drugs for recreational use as this doesn’t do anything to your size or length of pleasure.
Men can prevent such problems by eating raw garlic, as it has a chemical called allicin. Ladies, if a brother with a lot of garlic breath start approaching you just know they are preventing their dipsticks from failing to rise to the occasion. Dr Oz also said to avoid the garlic breath, men should take parsey.
Vasectomy Snip! Snip! This is a procedure that will stop a man from having kids. The urethra is cut so that a man cannot add sperm when they ejaculate. It is a safe procedure and will not lead to any low energy levels or sex drive. However, you have to check the sperm count and confirm that it is low before you start getting jiggy after the snip snip!
It is reversible if someone decides to have children.
Prostate Cancer Around the age of 40, Dr Oz says the prostate can enlarge and the effects are men’s urination pattern will change. They will feel that they need the loo even after going. How the prostate works: Its goal is to make chemicals that mix with sperm in order to allow the sperm to do what it needs to do. The prostate also shuts off the bladder so urine doesn't mix with sperm
ProstateWhen there is a hard walnut-like growth on the prostate, the patient has prostate cancer. To detect prostate cancer, men have to get a rectal check-up or a test that checks the level of protein in the blood the prostate is producing. If the level is high then that is a sign of a tumor or an infection. This is a PSA test, and men over 40 need to know what their PSA numbers are.
Testicular Cancer Dr Oz explained that Testicular cancer is the major cancer for men between the age of 15 and 35 so men have to know how to examine themselves. Oprah then stepped in with a question if men should have checks just as regularly as women have their boobs checked for breast cancer, Dr Oz agreed.
Dr Oz advises that men should have their self-exams from the age of 15. He brought 2 avocados to demonstrate the balls and how to examine. The teacher in Dr Oz took over again and he asked the men which direction their members turn when erect. Oh my word! I was on the floor laughing so hard, I wished I was taping the show to keep rewinding this part. Let me give you the scene
Dr Oz: Which of you men’s member turns to the left when erect?
(Audience) 6 men raise their hands
Dr Oz: Which of you men’s member turns to the right when erect?
(Audience) 3 men raise their hands
Dr Oz: Guys, no-one has a straight member it either turns to the right or the left. Let’s try again. Who has a member that turns to the right?
(Audience) 10 men raise their hands
Who has a member that turns to the left?
(Audience) 20 men their hands
Dr Oz then proceeds to explain that the member turns towards the direction where the lowest ball is, so if the lowest ball is the left one – the member turns towards the right and vise versa.
The self-exam: You must in a bath with warm water, this will relax the balls as they are always cooler than the body, you must check for nodules, enlargement of a testicle or fluid. Most cases the man will also have very sensitive breasts.
Regular Sex Jason, part of the audience, had seen a previous Dr Oz show where how regular sex is beneficial to men so he wanted Dr Oz to confirm to his wife who was backstage with Oprah.
Jason and his wife
Ladies, Dr Oz says sex is critical to men’s lives and health. If you want your man to live longer you need to have sex at least four times a week.
Male Menopause Male menopause is not a myth! When men go through menopause they lose muscle mass and sexual drive. Dr Oz advises that men should stay fit, exercise and sleep. It is very important to keep your testestore levels up because if they drop the men will experience menopause.
Facials Metrosexuals will know that they will have excellent skin in their old age. Dr Oz says men should have facials. Oprah is very naughty! Sh made fun of the guys that had admitted they had had facials when Dr Oz did his teacher thingy. The benefits are that the old skin is exfoliated and new younger skin is revealed. The face then glows.
I was very confused by Dr Oz when he told the men that washing their faces every day is a mistake! Men don’t need to wash their faces every day, according to Dr Oz.
Who passes more gas, men or women? Typical male question! Men wanted to know who is gasier. A Discovery channel documentary had done a test and revealed that the genders are almost equally gassy but the men have a slight higher gas ration than women.
Hair loss
Men worry about their hair divorcing them just as much as their dipsticks! Women don’t really see that stuff much, or we are more interested in other things than your decree of divorce from your hair.
Anyways, Dr Oz says men lose their hair when two hydrogen molecules called DHT (dihydrotestosterone) attach to testosterone. “That poisons the hair follicles and causes them to change from making normal hair to this sort of peach fuzzy material, which is what going bald is all about," Dr. Oz says. The amount of hair you lose also has to do with the weather. "Springtime, which is when your testosterone levels are actually at your lowest, is when you lose the least hair." he says. (excerpt from
So cutting the hair shorther will not make it grow faster; the reasons are biological so this needs to be treated by medicine. There is medication that blocks DHT therefore doesn’t make hair grow faster but rather reduces hair loss.
The hardest part of the show was Oprah's walk out and back in to the show; those shoes looked like they hurt! She really needs to take my advice and get shoes made for her. She walked like she had painful corns!