My Deepest Condolences........

Written by belz from the blog Belz's Lounge on 30 Jun 2008
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TVSA is a family for a lot of people, we seek advice, we get it, we get shouted at, we laugh,we learn, we are grounded, the biggest thing is we are always there for each other. 

Fellow bloggers, one of ours toodecent, lost two precious people in his life last week. He lost his mother on Monday and his aunt on a Wednesday. I think this is one of the most difficult things in life, while trying to deal or even understand the passing away of a mother, God takes away the one person who was going remain playing the role of a mother.

I just want to say to tdc, im proud of you, the strength that you have displayed throughout,i know how much you adored these two women, your mother would definitely have been proud of you, she is looking down now and is smiling. She will be your guardian angel now my darling. I would like to say to both the ladies " Lalani ngoxolo". TDC, it takes time, but you will heal. God be with you.


30 Jun 2008 05:26

30 Jun 2008 05:33

my deepest condolences TDC...............loosing a mother it's something else,but uzoba grand boy,everything happen for a reason......

Thankx Belz....for being a friend inneed.

30 Jun 2008 05:33

Gomotsega, mpintshi find streghnth in God.

30 Jun 2008 05:38

May God be with you during this hard time.....I know how is it like loosing a parent my father passed away on my birthday the 3rd of July and its not easy

30 Jun 2008 05:39

My condolences to u TDC, hope u find strength to pull through…..
Pray hard and ask for guidance from God, u will surely make it, though it’s hard…

30 Jun 2008 05:40

Skeem saka....These are not easy times for you...but with God by your side you will make it through....akwehlanga 'lungehlanga

30 Jun 2008 05:41

My deep condolences TDC, may God grant you strength to see yourself through this trying time.......

Brown Shuga
30 Jun 2008 05:43

Gosh, I didn't know about the Aunt....
So sorry TDC, kuzolunga choma. God be with you and the family. Much love.

pastor chic
30 Jun 2008 05:44

May the angels of God emcamp around you,,,,,God gives strengh may you find it in HIM.

30 Jun 2008 05:44

My deep condolences TDC, uqine.

30 Jun 2008 05:46

Oh Laad! NO! I haven't spoken to him in ages and didn't know... I am so sorry, Mgani wam. If anyone knows what the funeral arrangements are, please email me.

30 Jun 2008 05:49

Be strong TDC

30 Jun 2008 05:51

Sego: His mom has already been laid to rest. His aunt will be laid to rest in Hamanskraal on Saturday.

30 Jun 2008 05:52

I am also gonna have to I'm very sorry. Be strong TDC and remember that God is gonna keep holding you on his back until you have a strength to carry on. My thought and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.

30 Jun 2008 05:57

I didnt know about the aunt, either... TDC, hope you are coping, hey... Please cry and cry a lot. 

Dont try and be man about it... if it kills you, roll 'em tears.

30 Jun 2008 05:59

Deepest, deepest condolences to you and your family TDC. Its so difficult to find the right words - everything feels so not-enough. Thinking of you and wishing you everything you need to get through this time. xxx

30 Jun 2008 06:04

“Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart”
-Victor Hugo 

TDC - may your beloved ones memories & their love for you fill your heart with joy in this sad & trying time and for always!

Kim Possible
30 Jun 2008 06:07

My deep condolences TDC-akwehlanga 'lungehlanga .....May God be with you and your family.

30 Jun 2008 06:14

Really strong

30 Jun 2008 06:15

TDC hadi baba, but be strong man, God would never give you a pain that he knows you cant deal with, he has great faith in you, you must also have faith in him, he will always be by your side man. This are hard times for you, they will never pass but they sure will get better. Take every sad event in your life as a learning curve, i dont know what cant be learnt from loosing ur mother and aunt almost the same time. But the fact that you are still going strong maybe is the lesson. But TDC even though it doenst seem like it now, everything happens for a reason. Just hang in there amigo.

30 Jun 2008 06:16

the aunt too???

you have lost a mother and an aunt but have gained 2 angels that will forever be by you side, my future baby daddy. stay strong.

30 Jun 2008 06:21

Mudzimu u do vha na inwi nwana wahashu. 

It might not seem possible right now but always remember that God will never ever let you face something you cannot handle.

30 Jun 2008 06:22

TDC Im very sorry friend i know its difficult for you to accept this but you have to be strong kuzorite.

30 Jun 2008 06:31

Reply from: Toodecent 6/30/2008 11:51:40 AM
It doesnt make sense to me to loose 2 of the 3 closest people tomy heart in 2 consecative days, get a car and then it dies on you 200 km away from town all becauseof a stupuid wire which is for the mobilizer which is not even in the car anymore. Forget my keys in MP after breakingthe door then only to find water has filled my carpet. It really doesnt make sense to me or maybe am loosing my mind.......! Anyhow am off to the bank now. 

This is my boy-TDC's latest reply on the Senseless article.. Ka Setswana re re lala ka ntho madi a tshologe.

30 Jun 2008 06:34

eish Kele, i was also hurt to hear about the aunt too.
TDC im really sorry about what is happening to you, just remember everything happens for a reason and only God will wipe away your tears.
Hope everything went well in Mpumalanga last week

Oh Laad! NO! I haven't spoken to him in ages and didn't know... I am so sorry, Mgani wam. If anyone knows what the funeral arrangements are, please email me.
The mother has already been buried last saturday @ Mpumalanga Sego

30 Jun 2008 06:35

There is never any right words to say when something like this happens. But God never gives you something that is too much for you. This is what he has planned for you so please try and be strong and stride forward. There will be better days than others but just pray, remember God is the only person who will never let you down. Who will love you and take care of you without complain in your most difficult time. Lala ngenxeba ndoda, akwehlanga lungehli.

30 Jun 2008 06:40

My depeesest condolences...... oh GOD I am so sorry!!!!!!

30 Jun 2008 06:44

Alwehlanga kungehlanga TDC...

30 Jun 2008 06:51

For everything there is a season, a time to be born and a time to die.  I know death is painful but as cliche as it may sound, time is really a healer.  Be strong.

30 Jun 2008 07:01

May the Good Lord comfort you in this time of pain & loss, deepest condolences mfana, no amount of words can take the pain away, you are in our thoughts & prayers…..

30 Jun 2008 07:05

I'm so sorry for your loss TDC, the pain only hits home at a later stage after you've done what you needed to do for funeral arrangements. When that time comes & you feel like talking, I'll hook you up with my psychologist. 

Dont qina....just experience it all as it comes. Feel and grieve the loss in all its stages. 

30 Jun 2008 07:18

My condolence to you & your family TDC. Stay strong & pray hard.

30 Jun 2008 07:40

My Condolences to u and ur Family TDC. Thats hectic man. But uNkulunkulu ukhona.

30 Jun 2008 07:42

TDC man, my condolences to you and your family. Can't say anything different to what everyone's said already but it is true that the pain gets better with time and with TALKING so if you're not crying, at least talk through your pain/grief.

Much luv

30 Jun 2008 07:55

TDC...despite the miles between us, just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers during this time of grief.  Reach out to the Lord, he will be your strength & comforter.

30 Jun 2008 08:06

Aw TDC, i'm really sorry for your loss. May the good Lord give you strength. Be strong my brother!

30 Jun 2008 08:11

My condolences to you, may the lord be with you and your family during this time.

30 Jun 2008 08:16

Deepest condolences TDC

30 Jun 2008 08:20

Deepest condolences to TDC and the Family, Once in a while you will be tried and that when you need to be strong and believe in your faith.

May the Ladies rest in peace. Be strong broer....

30 Jun 2008 08:34

Hi TDC,I really dont know where to begin,my condolenses to  you and your family,what i can say is that it never completely heals bt it gets better with time,i lost my mom in 1993and we were very close,bt it still feels like yesterday,just know that they are in a peacefull better place,they are angels and they are watching over you,never 4get that.....

30 Jun 2008 08:38

My deepest condolences TDC, qina bhuti, kuzolunga!!!!

30 Jun 2008 08:40

To TDC, people like you always make us realise that our are problems are less harder than others. At least I am losing my hubby but he is still alive and I will see him again. You will never see your mother!!!!!! 

Condolences and the Lord will c you through!!!!!!!!!!!

30 Jun 2008 08:48

My the Lord give you strength in this trying times.

30 Jun 2008 08:52

TDC, my condolences to you and yo family.

May the Lord Almighty give U and your family the strength in this difficult time.

30 Jun 2008 09:36

My deepest condolences to u n ur family TDC. God is by your side always. Be strong!!!

30 Jun 2008 09:50

TDC just remember that sometimes the Lord takes the people that are closest to us to bring us closer to Him. U might not understand this, but believe me He will give u the strength to cope with all that He is making u go through. Just take it one day at a time and allow urself to mourn, and also remember that even though ur life will never be the same, things will get better.

Lady D
30 Jun 2008 15:38

Letsogo godimo ga le lengwe sebata.Thato ke ya gagwe!Trust me..time heals!!My deepest condolences skeem sa ka!

30 Jun 2008 16:03

It is indeed a saddening to hear about passing away of your loved ones...Be strong boet!

30 Jun 2008 17:06

Too Decent mpintshi hardy nhe,I am so sorry eish

01 Jul 2008 01:21

Yho askies maan bhuti, May God be with you in this trying time!

sweetie my baby
01 Jul 2008 01:32

Thinking of you, and wishing you strength in what must be a difficult time  - big, warm cyber-hug.

01 Jul 2008 02:55

Thank you very much all for your messages, its really hard down here and I actually have even more things to stress about rather than crying that I have lost them. Am in a sittuation where I have no one but myself and have to make plans but as a survivor I will get through all of this.
Thanks all again.....

I heard you came to my place looking for me yesterday, when trying to call me use my other no(PVT one)  not the usual one.Hope you have it.

01 Jul 2008 03:03

"Am in a sittuation where I have no one but myself and have to make plans but as a survivor I will get through all of this."
That's the spirit TDC, keep on being strong and u will overcome all ur challenges.

01 Jul 2008 03:10

Eish TDC, Um really sorry man, everything will be fyn Boss, My deepest condolences my brada. (((((((((((((((Cyber Hug)))))))))))))))))!!

01 Jul 2008 03:13

Thanks all that called (even though am puzzled how they got my digits) Thanks very much for the support too.

01 Jul 2008 03:32

Thanks all that called (even though am puzzled how they got my digits) Thanks very much for the support too.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((STALKER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

01 Jul 2008 04:20

Thanks all that called (even though am puzzled how they got my digits) 

shaking my head.....

01 Jul 2008 04:27

"Thanks all that called (even though am puzzled how they got my digits)" 
Yah hey, if bloggers want something, they make sure they get it, no matter what it takes.........LOL

01 Jul 2008 04:35

Yah hey, if bloggers want something, they make sure they get it, no matter what it takes.........LOL

Weeeeeeee are family....♫

01 Jul 2008 04:58

Oh haai man eish                    .....speechless.......
In situations like these uvele ugazi ukuthi uthini eish coz im sorry does not cut it 
Be Strong..(HOW) 
God is there( wHERE)

condelescens broer...

Brown Shuga
01 Jul 2008 14:50

Mabhebheza uthini kanye kanye??

02 Jul 2008 04:08

My deepest condolences u

02 Jul 2008 04:13

eish, mabhebheza.. unyanisile, kodwa..

02 Jul 2008 04:25

I echo the sentiments expressed by fellow bloggers,deepest condolences TDC.

03 Jul 2008 11:11

I'm sori abuti......

06 Jul 2008 13:15

Mabalale ngoxolo.

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