So, at the end of season one, Lily decided that she wanted to revive her art dreams and find out what life would be like if she had made different choices. Her and Marshall had been together 9 years and were months away from the wedding day but she couldn’t help wondering if she had “settled”.
“Settled” is a pitiful frightful state of mind where all those “what if’s”, “maybe life might be like this” and “if only’s” dwell. They torment you every chance they can because they seem to imply that “you are missing out on your true potential” or “you have given up on your dreams to life”. They are mostly a waste of time because making different choices when you are in the “settled” mode, makes you make bigger mistakes that you regret later but it is often too late to go back or change the new situation.
The morning after the break up, beginning of season two (13/07/2008), Marshall now has to deal with a broken heart because he was left for a “dream”. How do you compete with someone’s dream? You would look like an idiot for “standing in their way”, right?
Ted has just landed what could be “the mother” we waited a whole year to find out how he met… and he has to console his best friend for losing the love of his life. Barney is over the moon that the three of them (Marshall, Ted and himself) are single at the same time and they can hit the town so when “everyone asks “what’s up New York?” they will be WHAT is up” and this is “Le-gen-da-ry!”
Ted is having a sex-fest with Robin while Marshall just wants to get hold of Lily and tell her he didn’t mean any of the things he said to her when she left. Why are people so mean when you break up with them? Shouldn’t honesty count for not wasting the person’s time thinking they were hitting it when they were actually missing it?
Anyways, after a long 67 days of the breakup for Ted, Robin and Barney; Marshall gets back on track and starts picking himself up. Do men really take breakups that bad? Don’t they do what Barney said ”anytime a girl wants to get back at her ex-boyfriend, you are there. Anytime a girl wants to solve her father issues with binge drinking and promiscuity you are there!!” Don’t they just hop onto the next chick, get over you and move on?
Just before the credits rolled, Lily was seen peaking through the bar window looking at her friends and ex-man, so that leaves us wondering if the “dream” she pursued doesn’t keep her warm at night.
Rules of engagement
This is not another bash-the-brother’s article. I wrote it on the perspective Ted gave of his friend’s dealing with a breakup. If the show was “galfriends” or “how I met your father” we would have been given Lily’s experience too… SO my focus point when writing was on what I saw on the show... and have heard and seen from my guyfriends.
Sdaka, I highly suggest you comment because your comments lately lead me to believe that you are ging thru your 67 days... ;-)
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