A line is been drawn and history is going to asks us ,how did you cross it? It's amazing what a braai can do just to loosen ones grey matter and make you ponder on life's little, great and sometimes shameful trueths. As I was turning the nicely spiced lamb ,surrounded by men drinking sprite and coke,I don't know if it was the sugar content of the drinks or the heat but our conversation fell on te planned 2day strike by COSATU ,if JZ's fails in his attempt to derail his charges.Which really made me think how did we get here?Where did things go wrong and what are we really fighting for? I tried to tackle it from both sides of the coin, side one goes as follows,as far as I understand.
Now we all know the arguments, Jigga mans camp are saying the man is being turned into a scapegoat. That when the arms deal was done , he was not the only man caught with the hand in the cookie jar. It maybe that Thibos, the old NEC and probably uTata too , all got something from the arms deal since it was an ANC led deal but Jigga man is the only one whose been persecuted.Nevermind that Tony did 3 weeks-nyana ko danyane. So there is a conspiracy to get rid of Jigga man so tha he does ascend to the throne.
The second argumement from the camp,which acts like a bullet point number two to the first one ,is that Jgga man won't get a fair hearing. Since his trial has dragged on for a long time,over six years if I'm right. That Nqcuka and co should have charged him the first time or let it go as and unwinnable case.Left it at that and left poor Schabir to eat his garlic and take his diabetes and hypertension pills at home, with no ugly court case were the jigga man was implicated by default and was actually embarrassed by some of the revelations.
The other camp says Jigga man is corrupt and if he has proof that there were other people who benefited,why does'nt he come out and say? But why doesn't our crime bursting forces go after everyone and just concentrate on two individuals?mmmmh. Why does Jigga man not want to clear his name in court and lay down the ghost of the arms deal once and for all?Cause he's actully won almost all the cases that has been put before him,like the rape case,why should this one be any different.The same judicial system that held a fair case for him on the rape matter is handling this one.But it seems there's a worrying factor of double standard that are beng applied . If you are rich,politically conectted and the "LSM 1" want you as president ,you can get away with anything? Now if he does not go to court and makes it to the presidency what moral authority would jigga man have to combat corruption such as bribes at home affairs and the police department? But the "LSM 1" seem not to care about that,or do they?
So the question is, where do you stand? Do you think it's fair that Jigga man has been found guilty by the media and the public even before his court case starts? Or do you think its fair that Jigga man always claims to be innocent but is trying his best not to see himself in court facing charges of corruption and racketeering? Is it fair that COSATU, a labour union motherbody,is willing to strie for a none labour matter for two days and picket outside courts? Couldn't the ANChave foreseen this situation that we are in when the were in Polokwane and choose a compromise candidate? Or are we stressing over nothing and Jigga man is not that bad or even corrupt our eyes have been jaded by news reports? Or are the "LSM 1" so jadded and desperate that when Jigga stands on stage and sing anddoes a little jig it gives them hope that finaly one of us is going to be king and thngs might change for us and so they start jigging with him? So many questions and so little answers. I enjoyed the braai,the meat was 'delicious' but my mind is still unsettled.Where do you stand?
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