What is it?? GOD or DEMONS

Written by Orie from the blog Encounter on 19 Nov 2008
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Last night at around 7:30 pm I was watching TV when I had a voice telling me to go out, I went out waiting for further instructions (remember i am new in JHB). I decided to go to my car and wait for further instructions, the voice told me to just drive and I dont know what got into me, I continued to drive until I arrived at a 7 eleven, there i stopped to get me something to drink.

It is then when i found a lady who told me that God has been telling her that she will meet someone who has been heart broken and she must pray for me immediately. I agreed and we went to my car to pray, as she was praying the voice told me to open my eyes, I looked at her and her eyes where crystal white, every time I call Jesus name she trembles and I asked God why did you send me to this person if she is saying she must pray for me.

I then contuned to call the name of Jesus (i was scared) and I told thanked the lady for the 'prayer" BUT, I still have a question, Did I receive an encounter with GOD almighty, ancestors or evil spirits.

The lady is pretty and looks innocent, I never went to church since i arrived here but I would like to know which church i can take her to.
She admitted that she was involved in witchcraft and that she is a traditional healer but goes to church because she want to change.

I am scared!


19 Nov 2008 09:26

Does God realy communicate with us or was it just an illusion?

19 Nov 2008 09:28

She admitted that she was involved in witchcraft and that she is a traditional healer but goes to church because she want to change. 

i cant say if it was God or not ..but that statement there tells me, you are the one who was supposed to pray for her Not theother way around. The advise i can give you now.... is to Fast and pray against all the evil spirits, calll the name of Jesus countless times like you ahve never done before. Get intercessors to pray with yoou(tell them what happened) even if there are the one back home whiile you are still looking for a church

19 Nov 2008 09:30

OMG-scary indeed.

19 Nov 2008 09:31

scary ish

19 Nov 2008 09:31

Very scary....

19 Nov 2008 09:33

OMG!! you got into a car with someone you dont know??? OMW, that voice must have been strong. i dont know what to say, i trust BA when it comes to these things, think about doing what she suggested.

19 Nov 2008 09:36

ja neh,the voices we listen to.....

scary,I must admit.Very.Crystal white eyes?

Ja nee,thats y the only voices that I listen always tell me that my Savannah stock runneth low........

19 Nov 2008 09:38

I listen always tell me that my Savannah stock runneth low........


witty lady
19 Nov 2008 09:38

Mina I'm such a chicken I wouldnt have gone outside to start with.... what did the voice sound like? deep demonic voice?? which language was it?

witty lady
19 Nov 2008 09:44

Actually it sounds like u were posessed by some spirit that made u drive to that place.....

19 Nov 2008 09:45

Cant explain what the voice sounded like, you know when something tells you you must just stand and do something, Yes i beleive in fasting, i was fasting yesterday and and was due to break the fast at 10pm,I ate too fast and drank lots of water when i came back because clearly i realised that something is wrong/
Now i beleive that the demons are actually there

19 Nov 2008 09:46

How foolish can you honestly be? You take a woman that you don't know into your car and let her "pray" for you? Person please, don't be so naive, ur in Jozi now! Or are you out to sign your own death warrant? 

Come on, if you need to pray, do it- just dont be foolish about it!

19 Nov 2008 09:51

God works in strange ways and i say if he spoke to u do his will and continue to pray cause thats the way to communicate with him

19 Nov 2008 09:51

MaMchunu-Orie is distressed, worried, scared even and all you can think about is how foolish she is?

19 Nov 2008 09:55

Does God realy communicate with us or was it just an illusion? 

Orie ...God does communicate with us.... whatmostly happen to me is:
sometimes when im about to go out, i hear the voices telling me to take few minutes and pray(sometimes for my self, someone i know or just people in general) and often time, it either i witness accident before me or just after i pass that point, or a person call me and tel me that something terrible nearly happed to them, and in some other instances i dont hear a thing about what i was praying for i just believe that my prayer has made a difference somewhere to someone.

In other occurances, i hear a voice telling to carry maybe R50  or R100 note, and i wont return in that journey without seeing someone in need of that cash, someone i have never seen and will never see after that.  It happen some other time i was at church, i came and sit near a lady, and i just heard this voice saying i must give her the money i carried for offerings, when i did, she asked me that she didnt have money for taxi fare for the following week(which was a week prior to the her pay day week) and the money i gave her was more than enough for the taxi fare ..... and we just prayed because i didnt kow why i was gvig her the money neither she know where she was going to get that money God doescommunicate with us.

and also the devil try to decieve us with sme voices, that's why it is advisable and important that we pray before doing and listening to certain voices and pray after responding to them.

Foxy gal
19 Nov 2008 09:57

I agree with BA, U were suppose to pray for her / carry on calling Jesus name since everytime u called it out she was trembling, there was definately evil spirits in her - but now u just have to pray and trust God to protect u & ask for His guidance!!!!! SCARY

19 Nov 2008 09:58

I looked at her and her eyes where crystal white, every time I call Jesus name she trembles
Heish i think that lady is in some kind of spiritual battle herself, maybe she was sent to harm you in a way and to decieve you into thinking that she was sent to actually "pray" for you, but because you called on the powerful name of Jesus Christ  it made her week  and she  confessed to using witchcraft, maybe she had an evil deed on her mind but things turned out differently then she had expected, so my  love keep calling on His name and pray hard for this lady to be released from whatever evil that is binding and using her, she aint happy where she is spiritually and God sees that, that's why He is using you to help her get out...just keep praying and calling His Mighty Name....

19 Nov 2008 09:58

How foolish can you honestly be? You take a woman that you don't know into your car and let her "pray" for you? Person please, don't be so naive, ur in Jozi now! Or are you out to sign your own death warrant? 

this is real uncalled for Mamchunu.... we are all entitled to choose our beliefes and no one has a right to undermine other's beliefs let alone insults

19 Nov 2008 10:00

Ja nee,thats y the only voices that I listen always tell me that my Savannah stock runneth low........
hahahh Good Lepogo then that way u won't land up in the worng places.....LOL

How foolish can you honestly be? You take a woman that you don't know into your car and let her "pray" for you? Person please, don't be so naive, ur in Jozi now! Or are you out to sign your own death warrant? 
Ok now, Machunu, that's a bit too harsh, but honestly oriental try not to be so trusting in future, the world we live in does not allow us to easily take strangers in2 our cars and accept and believe the lies they tell us. Be careful and pray.

19 Nov 2008 10:00

Orie, the will of God will not take you where the grace of God won't protect you.  God was with you when you let that stranger into your car.  Pray hard and ask God to reveal His plans.

19 Nov 2008 10:03

Okay,ya'll,pray and fast and do whatever you have got to do-but the will of God wont take you where the grace of God wont keep you safe.....

Now back to demons-are they sexy?Do they wear skimpy dresses and speak in velvety voices,and wont mind getting into your car after buying it drinks??

Cos if they are,well I just droppend one at work.....

Nonny,I think i need prayers.Help

19 Nov 2008 10:05

i believe that if it was the voice of God you heard,then no matter where its says you should go..he will protect you and wont let anything happen to you.

19 Nov 2008 10:05

Amen FK!

19 Nov 2008 10:07

every time I call Jesus name she trembles- In the Satanist world, everytime the name Jesus Christ is called, the fire breaks. Satan’s bcoms so angry that he might just kill the person who did. Jesus is the way, life and the truth, If people aren’t with him they are against him. His name shudnt be called in vein, that’s why the evil tremble when they hear his name. they know he is mightier than their leader, they know even their leader fears him. No demon can survive where Jesus Christ is, the trembling you had were the demons inside her burning bcoz u have mentioned the holly name. Sisi God do these weird things, just to show us that, we can deny it all we want, but he was, he is and he will alwys be. They put us in the caves will lions, but he removes the lions fangs and their anomisity. The devil attracted u 2 this evil, but God was there to save you, it is true my darling, call him in ur hour of need (sometimes he u don’t know u r in trouble, but he knows), coz his ear is never far that he cant hear you, and his arm is always available just to save you, you have seen the proof, now what else do u need. Work on your faith You beloved Orie and your relationship with the almighty will be better than ever.

Sorry to preach, I cant help it, he is so marvelous and I cant hide that

19 Nov 2008 10:07

Now back to demons-are they sexy?Do they wear skimpy dresses and speak in velvety voices,and wont mind getting into your car after buying it drinks??

Cos if they are,well I just droppend one at work..... 

Bathong Lepogo!!! kwa kwa kwa!!!!!!

19 Nov 2008 10:07

Huh i guess this one its not 4 me. So freaking scary maan!!!!!!

witty lady
19 Nov 2008 10:07

Mopakistan... but how does one know if it's Gods voice and not something else.

19 Nov 2008 10:08


19 Nov 2008 10:10

Some people are just heartless neh, but Mamchunu yena is something else!!!!

19 Nov 2008 10:12

God speaks to us in many ways-eg someone coming to tell you a message from Him, hearing that 'voice' or you spoke in tongues and someone interpreted them or a prophet etc. 

That's why one needs a discerning spirit, to tell you if it was really Him.

19 Nov 2008 10:13

Now back to demons-are they sexy?Do they wear skimpy dresses and speak in velvety voices,and wont mind getting into your car after buying it drinks?? 

they can be the sexiest most beautiful creatures you'll ever see on the outside but on the inside, its another careful wena LOL

19 Nov 2008 10:14

Sho with the trembling guys. 

Whenever i am at church, praying intensly or playing gospel, i get shivers running through my body, it feels like my hair is standing up, tremble a bit, sort of becoming coldish, i get goose bumbs all over my body. i dont know how to explain it, but does this mean i have demons in my body????? OMW!!!

19 Nov 2008 10:15

Now back to demons-are they sexy?Do they wear skimpy dresses and speak in velvety voices,and wont mind getting into your car after buying it drinks??
Cos if they are,well I just droppend one at work..... 
LOL Lepogo that is defginitely the one of the demons, jtake her home tonight so that u can pray for her *wink wink*........I'm sure she'll agree, just tell her u are being led by a voice that's in ur head.

19 Nov 2008 10:19

Amen Andi01, you clued up about almost everything be it religion/politics/tradition e.t.c

19 Nov 2008 10:22


Question is, how do you feel on the inside? because what i have experienced is that yes we get scared when things happen but if its God's will there is some sense of peace that you feel.

If it is God listen to your spirit, i think you would Know...

19 Nov 2008 10:22


Question is, how do you feel on the inside? because what i have experienced is that yes we get scared when things happen but if its God's will there is some sense of peace that you feel.

If it is God listen to your spirit, i think you would Know...

19 Nov 2008 10:22

Nonny & Lepogo :For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. nina zoni!!! lol!!!

Shame Orie.

19 Nov 2008 10:23

Whenever i am at church, praying intensly or playing gospel, i get shivers running through my body, it feels like my hair is standing up, tremble a bit, sort of becoming coldish, i get goose bumbs all over my body. i dont know how to explain it, but does this mean i have demons in my body????? OMW!!!

nah its just the mighty power of the Holy Ghost running through your body...i get that too and sometimes i just cry uncrontrolably..Power of the Holy Ghost sana

19 Nov 2008 10:24

What is it?? GOD or DEMONS 

Definitely not God

19 Nov 2008 10:25

Yoh Orie, you should pray more. who knows what might have happened if you were not a believer. I think that woman was up to something really bad but because you were praying, God saved you. Its scary hey!

19 Nov 2008 10:26

LOL!! Hi Pooky!!

19 Nov 2008 10:26

Nonny & Lepogo :For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. nina zoni!!! lol!!!
It's these demons Belz, and guess what a voice just told me tall dark, handsome hunk can be the only one to pray for me so I can be saved.

Can I ask  blonde question, is Oriental, the same blogger who blogs under the name of Orie, coz phela after yesterdays Saga, u can't tell the old from the new.

19 Nov 2008 10:26

Wee Nonny have already prayed for her(or preyed,lol)....

Speaking of voices in my head-there's a voice right now telling me to go slap my boss.....should I?

19 Nov 2008 10:26

I don't think it was a voice from the devil, no, i think Moya wa Modimo led u to this woman because she needed 2 b delivered from whatever spirit that is operating in her life.  And again i think u were a "Priest on duty" for this particular assignment  since u were on a fast.  Remember the bible says some demons will only come out by fasting, that's why upon the mentioning of the Name Jesus, she trembles.
Again the fact that u r nu in jozi, & u neva attended church, maybe God wanted to assure u that He doesn't stay in the houses built by people, but stays inside a person, which is U & He can use u anytime, anywhere.

Somebody said u must start praying hard 4 urself & dat lady, i agree.
 Orie, the will of God will not take you where the grace of God won't protect you.  Couldn't have said it beta myself.

Keep on doing the will of God ausi, devil is LIAR

19 Nov 2008 10:27

I meant is a LIAR

19 Nov 2008 10:28

@ Khodey -Whenever i am at church, praying intensly or playing gospel, i get shivers running through my body, it feels like my hair is standing up, tremble a bit, sort of becoming coldish, i get goose bumbs all over my body. i dont know how to explain it, but does this mean i have demons in my body????? OMW!!!. When u are in God’s presence, you are supposed to feel free, feel happy and feel protected. My advise keep on praying sisi, there is a demon inside of you that needs to be released, ask God to, he will and after that you will be able to do Gods work, who knows you might be the next “Pastor What What”. Satan knows all those that are chosen to be the delivers of the God’s word (which all of us the almighty wanted to be), he works day and night targeting them, trying to remove them from the kingdom of God. The bible says, the devil is roaming around, roaring like a lion, looking for anyone, he can destroy. it goes on to say in Galathians 5, “stand therefore in the freedom that the God enthrusted upon you, so that the Devil’s yoke will never be on ur shoulders ever again. Pray the Lord to remove all that (coldish-ness and goose bumps LOL) and you shall be saved. Halleluyah, God bless you

19 Nov 2008 10:30

Speaking of voices in my head-there's a voice right now telling me to go slap my boss.....should I?
No no no Lepogo, now that voice will lead u to lose ur job, so don't listen to it. Instead think of that demon that was in ur car and how she needs u in her life coz of ur wonderful prayers.....LOL

19 Nov 2008 10:30

i get shivers running through my body, it feels like my hair is standing up, tremble a bit, sort of becoming coldish, i get goose bumbs all over my body.> yho Cods, i used to get this when there was a contemporary dance on SYTYCD, still remember Megan, i thot something was happening to me, just gulped a glass of wine, Kim and somebody did that to me when they danced to Leona Lewis' song.

I also feel it sometimes when i listen to Ribs songs. uThixo uyaphila nyhani.

19 Nov 2008 10:31

Mamchunu, I must say your answer is disapointing, U know, if you are a beleiver, you will know when to listen. I was not worried about my safety, I knew the one who was calling me is my protector. I dont know if it is you whose speaking or the devil manifesting in you. All I can say is you are a disapointment.

Yes Gauteng might be dangerous but why are you still alive if it is that dangerous. All i know is what ever test God was giving me I might have just passed it. Now I must get a church for the lady, if she is the devil's agents Shame, Otla swaba. 

can anyone reccomend a strong church for the sister

19 Nov 2008 10:32

The bible says, the devil is roaming around, roaring like a lion, looking for anyone, he can destroy. it goes on to say in Galathians 5, “stand therefore in the freedom that the God enthrusted upon you, so that the Devil’s yoke will never be on ur shoulders ever again. Pray the Lord to remove all that (coldish-ness and goose bumps LOL) and you shall be saved. Halleluyah, God bless you
WOW, man Amen indeed Andi01.

19 Nov 2008 10:34

O im praying for u dear this is scary staff.

lol @ lepogo

19 Nov 2008 10:34

Can I ask blonde question, is Oriental, the same blogger who blogs under the name of Orie, coz phela after yesterdays Saga, u can't tell the old from the new.

Please direct me to the saga article Nonny

19 Nov 2008 10:36

can anyone reccomend a strong church for the sister
It's not abt the church as much Orie, it's abt u, so stress too much about finding the perfect church.

Can I ask blonde question, is Oriental, the same blogger who blogs under the name of Orie, coz phela after yesterdays Saga, u can't tell the old from the new.
Thanks for ignoring me guys, but nonetheless I understand now, Orie's reply made it clear, it's one and the same person.

19 Nov 2008 10:36

One church comes to mind-The Seventh Adventist Church.Anywhere in Jozi...

I think you right,but the edge is overwhelming and the voice tells me If I fast I can do it so fast he wont see it coming........

19 Nov 2008 10:37

Orie-it was definately not the devil, just that you guys misinterpreted the message-YOU are sent to help the lady, and maybe she needed to pray so that you could see that she needs help.

Please don't let the woman down now. You won't be able to live with yourself-believe me.

19 Nov 2008 10:39

can anyone reccomend a strong church for the sister- the healing isnt in the church, it is in God himself, through his beloved son. The bible says "who ever admits by his mouth and belives with all his heart, that Jesus Christ is the Lord, that there is no other God except the almighty, will be saved. The church is there as the assembly for us to be with people of the same belief, to sing, praise and thank him for being our father. Faith is what saves you, love is what builds you. Coz the bible says ":faith without love is nothing it is empty, how can you say you love God whom you have never seen but continue to despise ur dear brother" Praise the Lord bazalwane.

19 Nov 2008 10:42

@Nonny:: Yes Oriental is me, Thats my full name

19 Nov 2008 10:43

Praise the Lord bazalwane.
LOL u adapt so easily to every blog, one moment u are a pastor, next politician and b4 u know u are back to being a comedian, hayi mzalwane unesiphiwo yazi.

19 Nov 2008 10:46

@ Nonny- They call me andie van die uno, die Andie of all blogs, master of Mzwakhe Mbuli's.

19 Nov 2008 10:46

Please direct me to the saga article Nonny
Eish Cande, uyazithanda izindaba, it's really nothing much, I was just exaggerating. I was just saying that yesterday after we had bloggers by the names of TooDamndecent & inTOXICated, u can't tell who is who.

19 Nov 2008 10:46

MaMchunu-Orie is distressed, worried, scared even and all you can think about is how foolish she is?

the point I was trying to make is that as much as God works un mysterious ways, we also have to be careful about these things. The world we live in is crazy, and anything can happen at anytime to anyone.

Mamchunu, I must say your answer is disapointing, U know, if you are a beleiver, you will know when to listen. I was not worried about my safety, I knew the one who was calling me is my protector.

I am a believer, but having said that, I find it impossible to believe blindly. I have seen things that would make a priest question his beliefs, that is why I work with belief and common sense. Sometimes blind faith can be harmful. 

"the will of God will not take you where the grace of God won't protect you."

I believe in that, but sometimes you need to think about where you are going, dont be too trusting. Not everyone has the same good intentions. What if you were hijacked, raped, or killed? Imagine how your family will feel? Even the most Christian of Christians cannot believe for the sake of believing, and forgive for the sake of forgiving. Trust me, I know first hand.  

Believe in God, but be reasonable in your beliefs.

19 Nov 2008 10:47

Reply from: lepogo 11/19/2008 3:36:13 PM
ja neh,the voices we listen to.....

kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa kwa

19 Nov 2008 10:48

I didnt blog yesterday Nonny, but Oriental is my name, unless if there is someone else

19 Nov 2008 10:49

Andi01, will call my pastor just to verify whether it was the spirit of the holy Ghost or the demons. but i dont feel unprotected at all, infact after the shivers i have this overwhelming presence of peace, almost as if my prayers have been answered. Then i cry uncontrallably but at the same time i feel happy. And i do agree with the statements regarding Satan, couldnt have said it better myself.

Thank you TheLady i was about to say the same thing, lenna i beg to differ a bit regarding the trembling, although the statements might be true. I "think" that Orie going there to pray for that Lady was an assignment given to her by God, since she was fasting, maybe her praying with you (orie) in your presence (because you are fasting or pure or in one spirit with God) delivered her from what she was suffering with spiritually, maybe the prayer (althought the lady prayed for you) was meant to deliver her and  in the same time give you answers to your fasting. The trembling: isn't it possible that it was the spirit of God going throught that Lady's body, and kicking out the demons???? for the fact that Orie, is now in contanct with that Lady could only mean that it was God living in her, she is given an assignment to help this Lady spiritually. For the fact that nothing bad happened to Orie and that she did not feel scared i think it was God. I might be wrong.

Foxy gal
19 Nov 2008 10:51

somethings neva change!!!! andi01 u are gifted amigo!!!!!! LOL

19 Nov 2008 10:55

Standwa sam nna i smell amafufunyana (demons)......

19 Nov 2008 10:56

Cody, I didn't say anything about trembling, coz many, many moons ago I used to be this really comitted Christian.

I miss those days.

19 Nov 2008 10:57

I didnt blog yesterday Nonny, but Oriental is my name, unless if there is someone else
Relx, for now there is only one Orie at TVSA.

19 Nov 2008 10:58

@ Foxy girl- Hi there amigo, you are so scarce ese, whats wrong wif you, where you been hiding, its good to have you back amigo, i mean for real nigga.

19 Nov 2008 10:59

now Y is this article looking all black on my screen?

19 Nov 2008 11:00

Yes the lady i meant that i agree with what you say about the interpretation being taken the wrong way, i just went back to slot in the trembling not taking into mind that i did not put in words that go with my agreeing to your statement.

19 Nov 2008 11:00

@orie, thanx for making us became aware of things that christians come across, our God works in different ways."no weapon forged against u will prevail "Asaiah 54 verse 17. what u can do now is to ask God the purpose of sending u to that lady. the fact that u kept on calling the name of Jesus has  made u overcome all the plans the devil had.prayer is the weapon

@BA u are so amazing all your relpy makes  me want to know you better
@Pooky, i realy support what u hav written 
 @andi01, what a lovely message i think u r a pastor or u are a pastor in the making.

no matter what we go through in our daily lives i'ts just challenges and what i know  is we will overcome

19 Nov 2008 11:02

now Y is this article looking all black on my screen?
kanti how is it supposed to be Kele, coz nami it's all black, haiybo don't tell me that the demons are also jinxing the article now.

19 Nov 2008 11:03

hello Kelefabolous *waving like crazy*

19 Nov 2008 11:07

Hey Kele!!!!! yah neh, this demon article is bringing people from their holes!!! nice to see you.

19 Nov 2008 11:07

somethings neva change!!!! andi01 u are gifted amigo- its all Gods’ work amigo, the bible says “the Lord will give you so much blessings that you wont have room enough for”. Its true I can testify on that, I am living proof of that, some say I am (wise, intelligent, funny, gifted etc). I say I am blessed, its just the spirit of the almighty working through me. And to all those I might offend, I do apologise, you know mos bazalwane that altyd “usathana uyandilinga, but he doosnt succeed lakimi ngoba mina ngiphila ngomkhuleko” (in Mageu’s voice, RIP bade)

19 Nov 2008 11:09

Amen Andi! Well said indeed.

Foxy gal
19 Nov 2008 11:10

19 Nov 2008 11:10


Prov. 3:5,6 Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all. (The Message)

It's not for you to figure out how or when something is going to happen, that's God's job. Your job is to simply BELIEVE and trust in the Lord with all of your heart and He will see you through, hence the saying "the will of God will not take you where the grace of God won't protect you."

19 Nov 2008 11:14

Sooo much speculation..............

Foxy gal
19 Nov 2008 11:14

Habe!!!!! wat r these demons doing to me manje , I neva do the blank reply thing eva b4!!!! 

@ andi - Amen mzalwane, I haven't been @ work since June only came back 2 weeks back I was on martenity leave remember!???

now Y is this article looking all black on my screen?
@ Kele - Amadimoni sisi, cast them :)!!!!!!!!

19 Nov 2008 11:17

BA & Andi, i like the way you quote the bible sana's

19 Nov 2008 11:17

Dear I support those who say you should pray hard.I wonder though if you have taken contacts for the woman.I hope you havent so that if you meet her againg it will be clear that it is God's divide plan.As for church, yes it is very important that you go frequently to a place of worship.That is where you get refuelled.....
Fist try to visit different churches befor you sign-up for membership.At the same time ask God to lead to a place that will be your spiritual home.(I hope unlike me you wont struggle too much to giv tithe....)
Lastly........the Bible tells us to test the spirits.Whenever you in doubt,pray for revelation.The Devil is very cunning......

19 Nov 2008 11:19

@BA u are so amazing all your relpy makes me want to know you better

babetm>>>> Thank you.

19 Nov 2008 11:26

@ WSG Im so so so sorry.Sincerely.......

19 Nov 2008 11:29

@Mamchunu - It's not for you to figure out how or when something is going to happen, that's God's job. Your job is to simply BELIEVE and trust in the Lord with all of your heart and He will see you through, hence the saying "the will of God will not take you where the grace of God won't protect you.

"to add onto what BA said above: For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future: Jeremiah 29:11

So in short, God will never harm you.

19 Nov 2008 11:33

@WSG Im so so so sorry.Sincerely.......

wat happened to WSG??

Foxy gal
19 Nov 2008 11:37

@WSG Im so so so sorry.Sincerely.......

wat happened to WSG??
@ Cande
I too would like to know wat happened!!!!!

19 Nov 2008 11:39

All ya crazy nigga's, I want you to learn these 2 songs, and sing them when you feel like it. And do what the lyrics say, OK. 

My bible oh what a wonderful treasure
The gift of God without measure
We shall travel together
My bible and I

Song 2

Everytime I, feel the spirit moving in my heart I will pray
Up in the mountains
Down to the valley
I will pray
Will pray

19 Nov 2008 11:44

the name mentalcase kills me tl tl

19 Nov 2008 11:45

what happened to WSB???

Foxy gal
19 Nov 2008 11:45

I'm sure they are gr8 songs but  how will i learn the tune konje Andi............!?????? LOL

19 Nov 2008 11:48

@fFoxy-gal- derive ur own, konje amayilo, wuwoooooooooooooooooooooooooo

19 Nov 2008 11:49

Scarryyyyyy,  I also hear lil voices in my heard, but they tell me to do silly things, are they also demonic??

19 Nov 2008 11:54

Hi guys.... I happened to WSG....You know its not easy to control a mental problem when you have one.She blocked the hell out of me and I can't Blogg on her Blogg.
For more info go to My life in Smallville (Article: please Santa..).....something like that.
Ps: If you been reading replys and you wanna register....lay off these words: mental, ment,men, me,m, case, cas, ca, c.......Otherwise I will set Nonny on you.....

'We are all mad but we differ in the degree of madness..."

19 Nov 2008 11:57

HUH!!!! @ mentalcase,,,um lost, what r u saying??

19 Nov 2008 12:11

Eish Cande, uyazithanda izindaba, it's really nothing much, I was just exaggerating. I was just saying that yesterday after we had bloggers by the names of TooDamndecent & inTOXICated, u can't tell who is who
Brown Shuga.......Shuga Babe
Best Achiever, I am inspired so watch out 4 my new registration with the name Achiever-Best.......LOL

19 Nov 2008 12:11

Orie, the woman you met last night was definitely not GOD ALMIGHTY.

We are told in the bible that no one has  or will see GOD and still live.

Exodus 33:20 - “But God said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!"
John 6:46 - "Not that anyone has seen the Father, except the One who is from God; He has seen the Father.”

19 Nov 2008 12:12

HUH!!!! @ mentalcase,,,um lost, what r u saying??
The name says it all Awe, nami i am also lost, I'm still tryna figure out what shim mean methi: "Otherwise I will set Nonny on you....."..........I mean WTF does that say abt me, Mentalcase plz elaborate????

19 Nov 2008 12:18

@Orie: That's very Scary Orie that you have to face but our God is Great and not even the Devil can have power to defeat Him. Praise be to the Lord our Saviour for protecting you. As you said you are looking for a Church......i would recommend Church of Christ, there is one in Wits and the other one in Chiawelo....believ me when i say you wont be lost if you find yourself there.

@Andie1: I dont believe that having that goes bumps or shivers mean that you got a demon in you. When i felt that way its mostly when i talk about His Greatness or if someone is sharing a testimony with me, i believe it shows i do aknowledge His Greatness and that i am in His presence and i should humble myself before Him.

19 Nov 2008 12:18

yes mentalcase what are you saying??

19 Nov 2008 12:21

I will set Nonny on you ????

 Hah? what on earth is mentalcase saying????

19 Nov 2008 12:22

Best Achiever, I am inspired so watch out 4 my new registration with the name Achiever-Best.......LOL
@PrettyPre .... kwa kwa kwa kwa .... you can go ahead my darling... LOL, You made my day.....

19 Nov 2008 12:23

'We are all mad but we differ in the degree of madness..."

Do you mean that Nonny is mad??? Take my advice; run 4 ur life

19 Nov 2008 12:25

Was it God or demons?

It was demons, my dear! Why are you still asking? God doesnt have crystal eyes.

19 Nov 2008 12:27

he h he ehehehehehhehehheheee hegeggeghehehe


bwahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahh hehehehehhehehhehehehe

double LOL & triple Kwa's ..

19 Nov 2008 12:33

2damnDecent-nc nc...
Orie help FK and 2damnDecent out-were you asking if the voice in your head was God or Demons? Not the woman you wanna help.

19 Nov 2008 12:35

Did you drink your pills mental case?? somebody please give her/him an injection or something.

Pitch, i agree with you, i have always thought that, but was worried once i heard that when you shivers you are having demonic spirits. I was extremely worried to an extend that i had to call our priest, , i just confirmed with our moruti, my nigga Rev Andi01 Esmile you are wrong about me having demons, he says what Pitch & Pooky is saying, it is the power of the holy ghost, people feel it in different ways, some may speak in toungues in his presence and some do get the shivers. I am relieved.................. My day was almost spoilt, i wanted to book my priest to pray for me for day to come until the demon is removed. ;-(

19 Nov 2008 12:36

cande what is funny? please share.

19 Nov 2008 12:37

<<<Hi guys.... I happened to WSG....You know its not easy to control a mental problem when you have one.She blocked the hell out of me and I can't Blogg on her Blogg.
For more info go to My life in Smallville (Article: please Santa..).....something like that.
Ps: If you been reading replys and you wanna register....lay off these words: mental, ment,men, me,m, case, cas, ca, c.......Otherwise I will set Nonny on you.....

'We are all mad but we differ in the degree of madness...">>

Sorry Oriental,... that I burst onto your article which I find fascinating,..  and I was reading through the responses and I find the comment of this person,.  I most probably should not even respond to this, but I can't help myself.  Please do feel free to delete the response,...  but I have a feeling that the person would come back to your article and I want him, yes, HIM, to see it.

@mentalcase:  Stop hiding behind an alias,...  lets tackle each other Fabulous Bitch (me) against Man (I know your real identity).
Why do you have to bring my article into someone else's blog?  Do you have no respect,... I consider the topic of this article as a  serious topic,.. and my article is light hearted and as you questioned, not really for Christians,...    You should not have even mentioned my article here.
Please have respect for other people's articles and be a man and own up to your opinions and actions.
I know your identity,... cause I know your style of writing.  And this is so typical you,.. however, I did not know you as a coward, you have stated your controversial opinions in the past and stood behind it like a man.  Now, why turned into a coward??? 

19 Nov 2008 12:38


Lol x7 *loosing my breadth* heee hee hee! please give us a link

19 Nov 2008 12:39

@The Lady

I was responding to Did I receive an encounter with GOD almighty, ancestors or evil spirits.

19 Nov 2008 12:40

Hi guys.... I happened to WSG....You know its not easy to control a mental problem when you have one.She blocked the hell out of me and I can't Blogg on her Blogg.
For more info go to My life in Smallville (Article: please Santa..).....something like that.
Ps: If you been reading replys and you wanna register....lay off these words: mental, ment,men, me,m, case, cas, ca, c.......Otherwise I will set Nonny on you..... 

I smell a Demon, a very crazy Demon,,Andi01, please come with ur exorcism equipment manje, before the whole site gets possessd

2damnDecent ....en nou??? amagama sewaphelile, Y use ada ppl's names,, no creative, nxa, nxa, nxa, nxa, nxa, nxa (has any1 seen Felfel??),lol

19 Nov 2008 12:42

Someone please say something about last night's So You Think You're Funny! 

19 Nov 2008 12:44

I've decided to ignore 2dD.... it is the same person as Itoxicated.. and it's just an old blogger having too much time in their hands, so playing pranks....nxa.. how lukewarm....  

19 Nov 2008 12:49

 SYTYAF: that show is realllllllllllllly not funny, i mean, really!!!!!!!! @ carino.

19 Nov 2008 12:50

I forgot about SYTYAF!!

19 Nov 2008 13:00

SYTAF is slowly but surely getting there but im still trying to get used to Ntosh though. i laughed a little yesternite though...... @ carino oh the presenter is still a yawn for me that guy is going to kill this show for me i mean really now he is so boring im yawning right now just thinking of him. i am appealing to the producers of SYTAF to do something about that guy now......... really now.

19 Nov 2008 13:03

I miss the show, you know what they say about "first impression lasting" Carino, i was not impressed about the first episode hence i forgot to watch the 2nd episode..

19 Nov 2008 13:12

Just pray and let GOD know that you're leaving everything in his capable hands.....

dubed out
19 Nov 2008 13:18

Damn thats some freaky stuff big ups for even going through that but i dont think it would be safe for you to do things like this on your own.
If its God or Demons that i'll let you decide you are the only person who felt it.

19 Nov 2008 13:25

Yawn, Yawn and more Yawn....., last week i said it was early days & this week i thot something much beta will happen,  but sadly they couldn't manage to get a grin out of me (& 4 me  shem, by mere passing of a fly, i burst into laughter),  soooo, next week i'm giving them da last chance,  if they don't  show me funny & take care of their buziness. I'll catch them on the ada side!!!!!.  Going off-da-topic once more neh!!!

19 Nov 2008 13:47

It might happen that this lady was being sent by the devil targeting that area to do some soughts of evil works or maybe she's been doing it for a long time but God yeste said that's enough! You Know our God works in different & miraculous ways & doesn't use our logic so He send you there to put a stop to the works of the devil in that place.

What I suggest is to continue to pray even for this lady and speak failure to whatever works and plans of the devil and come against any spirits that may have been implanted in that area.

We must really PRAISE GOD for this for listeining to that voice am sure you've saved the life of many that were going to be looted to this woman!

No Orie it was God speaking to you not demons, evil spirits or ancestors others that woman's spirit was going to overcome you.

19 Nov 2008 14:01

otherwise not others

19 Nov 2008 14:09

yo thats scary the bible says PRAY WITHOUT CEASING mam.....

19 Nov 2008 14:10

Devil mission is to steal, kill and destroy. Everything one do is spiritualy influenced, it is either the Holy spirit or the evil spirit. you can not be in-between. Our battle is not against flash and blood but against evil spirit. 

Greater is He (Jesus) in us than the one(devil) in the world. We need discerning spirit to understand the spiritual language and the warfare we are in. God said no weapon forged against us will prevail.

continue to call the name of Jesus and acknowledge him in all situations, he will make your paths straight. Dont fear anything, if God is with you no one can be against you. He loves you unconditionally.

The devil is a liar, looser, coward and failure. He is defeated in the name of Jesus, AMEN

19 Nov 2008 16:28

19 Nov 2008 16:31

Orie.. next time this lady appears to you, you should sing Tshepiso Monye's song..

♫Let me touch! you! and see if you are reeeeal!♫
♫Touch You! And see if you are reeeeal♫
♫If I can touch! The *hymn* of your garment♫ 
♫Let me Touch You!!.. And see if you are Reeeeaaal♫

19 Nov 2008 23:37

Scary article...Better read it tomorrow!

20 Nov 2008 09:46

hello firstdvd.. ((((wave)))

I'm really interested in this story.... Orie should write updates....when the woman appears again..

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