Last night at around 7:30 pm I was watching TV when I had a voice telling me to go out, I went out waiting for further instructions (remember i am new in JHB). I decided to go to my car and wait for further instructions, the voice told me to just drive and I dont know what got into me, I continued to drive until I arrived at a 7 eleven, there i stopped to get me something to drink.
It is then when i found a lady who told me that God has been telling her that she will meet someone who has been heart broken and she must pray for me immediately. I agreed and we went to my car to pray, as she was praying the voice told me to open my eyes, I looked at her and her eyes where crystal white, every time I call Jesus name she trembles and I asked God why did you send me to this person if she is saying she must pray for me.
I then contuned to call the name of Jesus (i was scared) and I told thanked the lady for the 'prayer" BUT, I still have a question, Did I receive an encounter with GOD almighty, ancestors or evil spirits.
The lady is pretty and looks innocent, I never went to church since i arrived here but I would like to know which church i can take her to.
She admitted that she was involved in witchcraft and that she is a traditional healer but goes to church because she want to change.
I am scared!