Please note: It has been a year and a half since I logged in to TVSA, FORGIVE me if this was written before:
Fashion come and go but memories will always stand the test of time. Taking you down the memory lane:
Where where you......?
1. When TVSA introduced the gold membership?
2. When people used to rock the black "boy"/"girl" caps?
3. When people used to rock those black All Star lookalike takkies, some call them cats, some ditender and other digatama**pa
4. When we had beverages like Shana(was it?), Pine Nut, Mellow Yellow, Crossbowcider, Vivo,GinZing
5. When gals used to rock amaphondo with white wool/pantihose and guys rock perm like the Jackson 5s, freeze, s curl
6. When teenage gals used to love them music books
7. When we used to watch entertaining shows/ dramas like Matswakabele, Lesilo rula, Mopheme, Bophelo ke Semphekgo, Tlharantlhope, Surf show pick n box, Kamokibelo ngomgqibelo,Lapologa to name the few
8. When we used to watch TV1, 2,3 then came CCV TV then Simunye
9. When Generations used to play on Thursdays only?
10. When the likes of Grant Shakwane, Shado Twala, Thabo Mokwele, Mapaseka Makoti-Mokwele were still on the then Radio Metro
11. When O R Tambo International was known as Jan Smuts
12. When chicks used to rock that complicated hairstyle, we used to call it "braiding" where someone will end up looking like she's wearing a mat
13. When music groups like Twins, Mark Alex, Alaska were hitting the airwaves
14. When Selimathunzi was presented by Dosto Noge and Zam Nkosi
15. When Melanie Bala "nee Son" and Bob Mabena used to present Studio mix
Gone are those days....
Bloggers where were you when..........? let's hear it
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