With winter creeping on us like a thief in the night, I am clueless as to what makes winter... well a fashionable winter especially if you are in a tight (so-tight-that-you-stopped-breathing-in-December) budget. We all know the trends that come with each season, but do we really know when we have taken it a bit overboard. Talk about "fashion overload".
Im a bit crazy about magazines, be it Move!, Drum, Glamour or Cosmo, I'm always scanning to see who is fashionably clad in what. Well I won't say that I am a fashion junkie but "fashion- aware" because let's face it (me mostly), unless I have followed One and only's ( I could be mistaken here) 60:20:10:10 rule to the tee, I cannot afford every trend out there.
We have to admit that winter clothes is expensive, from the coat right down to the socks. That is why people like myself stick to simple rules when it comes to winter buying. It's OK if you can't afford every trend in the world, but that doesn't mean you can't be looking fabulous.
So ladies and gentlemen let's share, rules to look fabulous without breaking the bank and getting wrinkles from worry about debt.... Here's mine.
1. Keep it simple and clean, buy a jersey/coat/jacket that will match almost everything in our closet
Simple yet elegant
Eish I dont know about this one
2. One trend at a time PLEASE
3. Make up ladies, fresh and as little as possible
When horrible things happen to good people
4. Hair, if possible, clean is key
Small Street (too busy)
Conrows (yes we can also conrows ladies)
5. Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize. It doesn't have to be expensive, just well put together. Less is more mense
Too much
Just right
6. Shoes, one pair of black boots is more than enough. if you can indulge in a few more, make sure you know what is in your closet.
Oh how lovely
Cute child, bad boots
Please share your fashion tips for this winter. What works for you and what should you be kicked for (bad fashion mistakes you tend to make). And OH! It has to be dead cheap.