As u all know ukuthi ngiya fosta nje ngomzekezeke, i thought i should just share this with my niggas...........
i was having this conversation with my colleagues this mornig about the names our parents give us when we are born,tjo!
So have u ever wondered what was the other persons parents thinking when they were naming their children, like how do u come about choosing a nice pronouncable name for ur child??
Here is some of the names i know from people where i live:
Look here - (girl)
Chalk - (boy)
Shoemaker - (boy)
Secret - (girl)
Excellent - (boy)
Future - (boy)
LOL............................these are real people's names. and there's these people who name their kids udult's names. imagine a 1 month baby being called Moses, Joshua,etc....there is nothing wrong with these names but as a middle name maybe ,yaaa!!!!
so guys lets hear what names do u know of..........................lol