On Tuesday Ricky Martin
spilt what we all knew when he first danced La Vida Lorca and now actress
Anna Paquin has come out as bisexual.
Anna, who plays Spookie-tooth Stackhouse on the vamp porn series
True Blood has revealed her true feelings in a new public service announcement about tolerance towards people's sexual preferences.
According to
Mail Online she has this to say in the video:
"I'm Anna Paquin. I'm bisexual and I give a damn."
Also in the video are Elton John, Whoopi Girlberg, Cyndi Lauper and Sharon Osbourne - not that she's gay ... I don't think. It wouldn't be surprising though would it? As out-there as he is, Ozzy's too greasy, corpse-like and unwashed when it comes to what a girl really wants.
Which, in Anna's case, is a combo of gal lurrrve and her soon-to-husband Vampire Bill a.k.a
Stephen Moyer.
As you may know, the on-screen bite-fest between the pair turned real shortly after the show started and they're now engaged. Immediate word from all the guys I know is that he'll be thrilled by Anna's latest revelation.
Speaking of which - doesn't it drive you nuts thinking about how bizarre it is that it's a "revelation" and big news? - or that such a video about tolerance even needs to be made -
and that it so obviously does.
I got freaked out thinking about the ins and outs of it when Ricky came out - how it's all made into such a huge thing when it's the complete opposite.
If someone likes someone of a particular sex it's no different to someone having blue or brown eyes; or being shorter or taller or having a freckle on a butt or nose. It's such a nothing-thing and yet it's all been made so extreme its beyond