“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10, NKJV). In Scripture, “goodness” involves not only exhibiting right behaviour but also avoiding its opposite, evil. Goodness is holiness put into practice.
Goodness is what we do; otherwise, it’s not “good¬ness” at all.
The word translated “goodness” (agathosune) in Galatians 5:22 denote an active, even aggressive, goodness.
More than an excellence of character, it is character energized, expressing itself in good deeds.
We often hear that someone has a “good heart” or that someone is a “good soul.” However problematic that idea is theologically (see Jer. 17:9), it’s even more so in reality. A “good heart” or a “good soul” in and of itself means nothing. Instead, a “good heart” is revealed in good actions, good deeds, in concrete, practical acts of goodness that benefit others. Good intentions, good thoughts, good motives are fine and have their role, but in the end, goodness is to do good. We fool ourselves into thinking otherwise.
In the Bible the most profound and absolute sense of “good” is predicated on God alone. Thus, although the term good is used freely in many circumstances, although there are good and bad individuals (Matt. 5:45), although it is possible for Christians to do good works (Eph. 2:10), although everything that God created He pronounced very “good” (Gen. 1:31), Jesus declares that God alone is “good” (Mark 10:18). Only God’s goodness is absolute. All others have degrees of goodness as measured against this absolute standard
One of the sad facts of life is that there can be some very gifted and talented people, charming people, charismatic people, people of great skill and insight whom we often label as “good” when, in fact, they are rotten to the core. The word good can, like the word love, be so readily and cheaply thrown around that it loses its true meaning. When we keep the idea of God’s goodness before us, we can much better understand what human goodness is really, and ideally, about.
This particular quality – goodness, is a very powerful fruit to have operating in your personality because of the drawing power it has in it. And the beautiful part about this fruit is that this quality is so pure in its goodness – it doesn’t have any manipulative qualities within it. In other words, a truly good person could not even begin to try and use you or manipulate you for his own personal gain because he is too good and too righteous to even begin to think along those lines. This is why these kinds of people are so trustworthy, and why so many people are drawn to them – because you feel so safe by just being around them.
There is something extra special about the quality of goodness. Many Christians can effectively witness to others by just living right and being a good example and role model for others to follow. Many nonbelievers carefully watch and study some Christians because they know there is something different about them.
One of the key qualities a nonbeliever will pick up on in a solid Christian is this quality of goodness. This quality has an ability to really get down deep into the core of a believer’s personality. To those who really have this quality, you can tell that it is something operating deep down inside of them. This quality is not something that waivers like some of the other qualities can. These people are good down to their very cores of their personalities. You can see it and feel it when you get around these types of people. As a result of seeing this God-like goodness deeply ingrained into their personalities, there is an immediate drawing towards them. You feel safe around them because you know you can totally trust them and you know they would never deliberately hurt you.
Children are quick to sense and pick up on this quality in people who really have it. These types of Christians draw children and adults to them like magnets. This is why this particular fruit and quality is so important for each Christian to have. With it, you can easily draw many more people to the Lord.
How often we hear non-Christians say that they don’t understand all this Christian talk about humans being naturally sinful and so forth. Aren’t there, after all, people who do good things, who express kindness, selflessness, and unconditional love? Haven’t we all seen people who are like that?
How would you respond to this kind of argument?
“Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil” (Jer. 13:23). The text above makes a simple point about human nature, which is that we don’t change easily, especially the bad aspects of our character. (Ask most married folk about how easy it is to change a spouse!) With this thought in mind, we can perhaps better understand why the scriptural con¬cept of goodness is immensely deeper and its use much more restricted than is commonly used in the world. The fruit of the Spirit that is goodness is more inward, touching on every thought, word, and action of the godly per¬son. This demands that motives be right before we call any action “good.” It means that the good person is one from whom righteousness (right doing) flows from inward devotion and love toward God.
In chapter 7 of Romans, Paul expresses his disappointment that in spite of his best intentions he has no strength within himself to do good (vss. 18, 19). But in chapter 8, verses 1–4, he reveals the Christian’s secret to overcoming this dilemma. What is the secret?
It’s one thing to acknowledge that we are sinners, in need of grace, and that our good works cannot save us. At the same time, why must we be careful not to use this teaching as an excuse to live in the flesh? Do you find yourself doing just that? If so, why is that attitude treading on very dangerous ground?
Years ago, Russian writer Feodor Dostoevsky wrote a book about his time in a Siberian prison camp, where some of Russia’s worst criminals were incarcerated. Among the prisoners were those who had committed some of the most vile and heinous crimes imaginable. Yet Dostoevsky wrote about how, at times, these men were capable of doing some of the gentlest and kindest acts. The point is that even the worst people can do kind deeds. And at the same time, who hasn’t seen really good people, when pushed, do some pretty bad things?
What about yourself? Are you not capable of doing some very kind and loving deeds? Are you not capable of doing some very cruel and evil ones too? What do your answers tell you about yourself and your need of Jesus?
Reference: Discipleship Tools, Wikipedia, Bible Knowledge, Adult Bible Study Lesson 2010 1st Quarter – Fruits of the Spirit, Ellen G White