As we told you in the News Shorts
here, M-Net debuts Summertide in January 2024.
It's a local 52-episode drama about a widower who moves to Simon's Town with his two teens after the death of his wife.
It's going to air at 18h00 on Sundays so what will happen to the channel's current reality slot?
Tribe member Tman_1 has spoken and asked this question:
We asked M-Net who tell us that this Sunday reality slot will fall away while the weekday ones remain:
Summertide will broadcast for 52 weeks, during that time, M-Net will continue to license the best international reality formats, that will be scheduled in our weekday reality slot at 6pm.
Season 44 of Survivor's currently airing at that time - Episode 3 aired last night - and Season 45 premieres in America at the end of September. We'll keep you posted on when it starts here.
If you have a TV question you'd like answered you can you send us an Ask by e-mailing us at We can't answer all questions so please don't have a fiasco if we don't.