Penelope Thloloe is a South African choreographer and professional ballet, modern and Spanish dancer. In 2005 she started the Kasi Ballet Theatre, a professional dance company that also offers dance classes.
Penelope has been a professional dancer and choreographer since 2001 and has choreographed various pieces internationally, including pieces for the London-based Rembart School of Dance and the DanceCor Choreographic Workshops.
She has a close connection to the Alexandra community in Johannesburg as both her parents are involved in teaching in the area. Her vow is to focus her skills on the community - she's recruited 250 learners from Alexandra to be trained by her.
She is one of only 10 professional dancers from Ballet Theatre Afrikan Dance Academy to be taught in the Cecchetti Method, a dance method which has a strict training system with special concern for anatomy within the confines of classical ballet technique.
In 2011 she was a judge on the street dance reality competition Step Up or Step Out.