Matt Hill is a Canadian voice actor known for several roles in anime, particularly Kira Yamato in Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny.
Hill was born in British Columbia, Canada. His acting career officially launched at age 13. He has an extensive resume that spans film, television and voiceover work around the world.
Some of his most memorable film work has been with Jackie Chan (Shanghai Knights), Steve Spielberg's (Taken), (Titanic) with Barry Pepper, Faye Dunaway (A Family Divided - Emmy nominated), John Hurt (A Monkey's Tale), Johnny Depp (21 Jump Street), (15 Fevier 1839) and Jason Priestly (Watchers).
He also played Raphael in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3.
Hill's list of voiceover work includes Ed on Ed, Edd and Eddy; Korey on Being Ian; Dragon Booster on Gemini award-winning series Dragon Booster; and Metal Head on GI-Joe.
He also recorded Moses and the Ten Commandments with Ben Kingsley, Christian Slater and Eliot Gould (2007).
Hill has been involved voicing some of the world's most popular Anime series, including Kero on Cardcaptors, Ironhide on Transformers, Bankotsu on Inuyasha, Kira on Gundam Seed and Destiny, and Ryo on Ronin Warriors.
As a result of his six Ironman triathlon finishes, love of people, adventure and the outdoors, Hill is writing his first book, Lighting the Fire Within: Stories From Inside An Endurance Athlete (coming in 2007).