The Tony Rock Project is an American sketch comedy television series created by Tony Rock, John Langley and Morgan Langley which features Rock, brother of comedian Chris Rock, combining street interviews and hidden-camera segments to comment on the passing parade of prejudices and hang-ups.
The series aired in the USA on MyNetworkTV from 8 October, 2008 to 11 March, 2009. There are eight half-hour episodes in one season.
The Tony Rock Project premiered in South Africa on TopTV's Fox FX channel on Thursday 11 November 2010, at 20h35. Double episodes air back-to-back, weekly.
(double bill)
Fridays: 03h30, 22h00
Saturdays: 04h45, 19h45
The Tony Rock Project features the unique humour of hot young comedian Tony Rock, younger brother of Chris Rock, as he observes the hilarious habits of regular people.
Through 'man on the street' style interviews and hidden camera segments, Rock uses his comedic style to expose some of societys stereotypes, hang-ups and prejudices.
The series is produced by Langley and C To The B Productions.