Soutmansland is a South African television drama series created by Esta Steyn which tells the story of a Coloured community, Vlaktevlei, who are ordered to evacuate their land in order to make way for the development of a new holiday resort.
The story begins when Leendra van Hellberg (Deirdre Wolhuter) is released from prison after spending seven years incarcerated having being found guilty of murdering her lover.
She returns home to her family in the small West Coast village of Soutmanspan, where her parents once owned a quarry before being killed in an explosion. Leendra believes the explosion was not an accident and is determined to find out who killed her parents.
She believes that Gilbert Redelinghuys (André Odendaal), whose filthy rich father owns many properties in the town, had something to do with the murders.
The Redelinghuys's also own a piece of land called Vlaktevlei which they used to lease to the municipality. That lease has now expired and the family wants the Coloured community living there to move out to make way for the development of a holiday resort.
The life of Leendra - who has begun working on her uncle's salt pan - becomes interwoven with the Vlaktevlei community and in particular with the pastor Gerald Killian (Kevin Smith), the leader of the community; and his wife Jamaima (Vinette Ebrahim), who is the headmistress of the local school.
She also meets a geologist, Dr. Samuel van der Sandt (Chris Vorster), who is searching for granite and whose company tried to buy her father's quarry seven years ago.
When the Redelinghuys's start putting pressure on the Vlaktevleiers to vacate their land Vos Philander (Ivan Lucas) takes them on and inspires rebellion among the residents.
The series was filmed primarily on the West Coast of South Africa and gives viewers a glimpse into the lives of the people who inhabit this region.
Soutmansland features a large ensemble cast including such actors as Joanie Combrink, Dawid Minnaar, Susanne Beyers, Dawn Matthews, Trix Pienaar, Marius Weyers, Neil Sandilands, Antoinette Kellerman, Mees Xsteen, Goliath Davids, Simon Bruinders, Waldemar Schultz and Margot Luyt.
Soutmansland has 10 episodes and is executive produced by Herman Binge and Lindsay Reid-Ross from Pearson Television. It was created and written by Esta Steyn and directed by Gerrit Schoonhoven, with original music by Janine Neethling.