Nyan' Nyan is a South African youth reality television series created by Mpho Moagi-Vilana and produced by Aviwe Business Development Services which gives young couples in a relationship the opportunity to "tell a secret" to one another, with the goal being to encourage couples not to be scared or ashamed of revealing the real truth to their partner.
The show focuses on individuals in a relationship, who want to "tell a secret", i.e. the show gives the "confessor" a platform to confess and explain their situation to their "partner" in the hope that the partner will understand and continue to build their relationship.
The show is presented by Luyanda Potwana, from East London in the Eastern Cape.
The show has a travel confession mobile where couples can engage in the privacy and support of the presenter and the behind-the-scenes psychologist.
The show aims to encourage truth and honesty within a relationship by encouraging couples not to be scared or ashamed of revealing the real truth to their partner.
It teaches couples that telling your partner a secret in a relationship doesn't have to destroy or harm your relationship and it empowers couples not to live with a secret that might hold back their relationship from growing.
The show's participants are young people who want to pour their hearts out and confess the truth to their partner – and believe the truth shall set them free.
The participants have access to professional counseling after the show to assist them to move on with the knowledge they just received.