Chancer is a British crime drama television series produced by Central Television for ITV which tells the story of a likable conman and rogue (played by Clive Owen) at the end of the yuppie eighties.
The series aired in the UK on ITV from 6 March, 1990 to 4 June, 1991. There are 20 hour-long episodes in two seasons.
Chancer aired in South Africa on the old SABC service in the early nineties. Exact broadcast dates for the series are not available.
Stephen Crane (Clive Owen) is the Chancer, a young London business analyst, con-man and outsider who is called in to save Douglas Motors, a crumbling firm owned by the stylish Douglas family which makes sports cars.
At the beginning of the series, Crane works for Kleber's Bank and he has a bold plan to get new investors. However, a shady past under another name is fast catching up with him.
The second season of the drama opens with the Chancer (now using his real name, Derek Love) finishing a prison sentence for insider trading.