The Generation Game is a South African television game show based on the British show of the same name, which aired in the UK from 1971-2007, in which four teams of two (people from the same family, but different generations, hence the title of the show) compete to win prizes.
The show premiered on SABC2 on Thursday 27 March 2008, at 19h30, replacing the 4th season of Strictly Come Dancing. There are 13 episodes in the first season.
Each episode involves four teams of two playing a series of games against each other.
Each team is made up of a couple from the same family of the opposite sex who are at least a generation apart eg. mothers and sons, grandfathers and granddaughters, etc.
The competition involves each team trying to master a skill. A professional demonstrates how something's done, eg. using a potters wheel, dressing a shop wndow dummy, dancing, etc.
The players then need to do to the task as well as possible and get judged by the professional who gives each team a score - eliminating teams along the way in a knockout.
By the time it gets to the end the team with the highest score gets to play the Conveyer Belt Game that has all sorts of prizes up for grabs, including a mystery holiday.
The Generation Game is hosted by Barry Hilton and Cindy Nkabinde.