Bone of My Bones is a South African television drama series created and produced by NZB Majola ka Masuku which revolves around a group of four male friends who have been friends all the way from childhood to adulthood.
We follow these men as they struggle with the mundane of everyday life and their relationships with strong-willed and opinionated women who refuse to have their voices suppressed.
Through these couples we unpack what it means to love a person and what they’re willing to do to show that love, and how they triumph or fail through challenges presented in their relationships and in the lives. This is a series that aims to unpack relationships while sticking to the core of drama, and that is telling authentic stories that will entertain, resonate and educate.
Bones of My Bones is executive produced by NZB Majola ka Masuku and Zandile P. Majola for Sothar Pictures. The head writer is Sipho Xolisa Tshapu. Music is by Xoli Thabethe and Mpho Lodisang and the series director is Vincent Moloi.