The Kingdom is a South African television drama miniseries revolving around bible parables and stories about faith, hope, love and the work of realising the best version of ourselves.
The series depicts ordinary characters who - when faced with seemingly insurmountable struggles - discover their power.
Josephine is an angel who lives in a rural African town called The Kingdom.
She has been sent to guide six individuals in finding Heaven on Earth, through repairing and building relationships and finding purpose and meaning in their lives.
The Kingdom stars Nambitha Mpumlwana as Josephine, Rob van Vuuren as Mr. Angelo, Karin van der Laag as Stella, Maurice Carpede as Uncle Herb and Anele Matoti as Thumelo.
The series is produced by A South African Production, copyrighted to Ameera Faber.
The producer is Ameera Faber and the director is Reabetswe Moeti. The writers are Thuso Sibisi, Nonhlanhla Mnisi, Stefan Enslin and Chule Gobodo.