Motswako (formerly known as Motswako The Mix) is a South African television talk show produced by Carol Bouwer Productions which is aimed at empowering women from all social and cultural spheres, dealing with the role of and issues pertaining to women and featuring different guests chatting to the hosts each week.
The series premiered on SABC2 on Monday 6 October 2003, at 21h30.
Motswako is a host-driven show that provides a platform for women to engage in conversation with each other. It empowers, inspires and informs by allowing women to connect, learn and share their experiences with other women.
Motswako is designed to fulfil the SABC's mandate to educate, entertain and inform. Issues of national importance form the core content in the programme.
It is informed by initiatives such as nation building and moral regeneration within the South African family and the television viewers in general.
Motswako is committed to producing content which is thought provoking while remaining simple and understandable to everybody. It manages to connect to mainstream audiences while attracting the versatile, technologically savvy and sophisticated new South African woman.
Motswako has entrenched itself as a powerful and essential voice for South African women, with enormous potential to galvanize consciousness around the most pressing issues facing women today.