The Guardian is an American television drama series created by David Hollander which revolves around Nick Fallin, a corporate attorney sentenced to community service with Legal Services of Pittsburgh as the result of a drug conviction.
The plot focuses on Nick's community service and recovery from drug addiction, as well as his strained relationship with his father.
While closing lucrative deals at his high-powered law firm, Nick (Simon Baker) is forced to work for a legal services office run by Alvin Masterson (Alan Rosenberg), a boss who is determined to keep Nick honest.
Although his father, Burton (Dabney Coleman), wavers between pride and concern over his son's work performance, Nick attempts to appease him and his high-paying clients while devoting his time to a place where he can help those truly in need.
Straddling two vastly different legal worlds, Nick is determined to maintain his fast-paced lifestyle as he tackles cases involving people caught up in difficult circumstances.
Being forced to careen between representing fragile young charges and powerful corporate clients eventually reawakens Nick's long-dormant conscience to the realities of life.
Broadcast Notes
All three seasons aired on SABC2, but only the third season broadcast dates are available.