Taxi Brooklyn is a French-American action-comedy police procedural television series based on the film Taxi written by Luc Besson and developed for television by Gary Scott Thompson, Stephen Tolkin and Franck Ollivier centered on the fractious, closely bonded partnership between a streetwise Marseilles-born New York City taxi driver and an intensely driven NYPD detective for whom this immigrant cabbie becomes chauffeur, insider on the streets and unofficial partner.
Chyler Leigh stars as hard-as-nails Det. Caitlyn "Cat" Sullivan, a woman hell-bent on finding her father's killer.
After she's demoted to foot patrol for reckless driving, disobeying orders and personality conflicts, Cat meets taxi driver Leo Romba (Jacky Ido). A highly skilled driver, Leo is a charming French African from Marseille.
Realizing Leo lied on his immigration forms, Cat offers him a deal: in exchange for his driving skills and taxi, she will help Leo with his immigration problem.
In order to stay out of prison and avoid deportation, Leo agrees to partner with Cat and quickly becomes her personal driver, consultant and friend as they race through the streets of New York solving cases and trying to uncover the mystery behind her father's murder.
From executive producers Thomas Anargyros, Edouard de Vésinne and Gary Scott-Thompson, Taxi Brooklyn is based upon the film Taxi written by Luc Besson and is a production of EuropaCorp Television with the participation of TF1.