Season 1
Stash is a South African television drama miniseries created by Clive Madiya and produced by Magic Factory which follows the downward spiral of two teenage boys who get a temporary job at a carwash only to discover that the business is a cover-up for a drug operation, furcing them to push drugs and get addicted to them.
The series originally aired on Mzansi Magic from 1 - 29 June, 2013. There are five hour-long episodes in the series. It later aired on Mzansi Wethu. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
Stash originally aired on Mzansi Magic from 1 - 29 June, 2013, on Saturdays at 19h00. New episodes broadcast weekly.
The series premiered on Mzansi Wethu on Wednesday 25 September 2013, at 21h30. New episodes broadcast weekly.
Two teenage boys are betrayed by their hard work and commitment when their boss decides he needs honest, clean-living boys to push his drugs in the streets.
Violently forced to go against all they believe in, things only get worse when they get addicted to the poison they are selling.
Clean-living Sox has just finished writing matric when his friend, MX, talks him into joining him in a temporary job at a local carwash. Unknown to either of the two boys, their boss uses the carwash as a cover-up for his drug operation.
What seemed a simple way to make some pocket change soon turns into a nightmare, when their commitment and trustworthiness leads their boss to forcibly recruit them as pushers.
To make matters worse, they start getting addicted to the drugs they sell. And now Sox's single mom and MX's granny have to deal with addicts who just graduated into thieves.
Created and written by Clive Madiya and produced by Magic Factory, the series is directed by Mzonke Mdotyeni. Patronella Sello is the executive producer and Julie Hall the head writer.
Episode 1: The Trap
MX's well-planned and sexy carwash promotion turns into a disaster. And his boss, Luthando, has a sinister offer that he and Sox are not allowed to refuse.
Episode 2: Caught
Sox and MX start selling drugs. But business isn't good at all plus Luthando is on their neck with ridiculous targets. To relieve himself from stress, MX takes a hit of woonga, unaware of just how addictive the stuff is.
Episode 3: A Sticky Web
Luthando wants to get close to Neli as leverage to keeps the boys in line. For the first time, Sox feels distanced from his mother as she chooses Luthando over him. Sox storms out on his mother who's very worried about him. The boys don't know it yet but they're now certainly addicted to woonga.
Episode 4: No Way Out
The boys are in deep trouble because they've smoked and given away more woonga than they could afford. Luthando sends Mzakes to find the boys but they are nowhere to be found. Sox and MX resort to stealing to raise the money they owe.
Episode 5: Everybody Pays the Price
Luthando has all his guns out for MX and Sox and the boys have run out of hiding places. They have no option but to surrender and Luthando is not taking chances. He wants to get rid of them permanently.
Season 1 (5 episodes)
Channel: Mzansi Magic | Premiere: 1 Jun 2013 | Finale: 29 Jun 2013 | Sat, 19h00
Channel: Mzansi Wethu | Premiere: 25 Sep 2013 | Finale: 23 Oct 2013 | Wed, 21h30