Season 1
Vusaseki (meaning Beautiful) is a South African, Xitsonga-language television talk show produced by Dzuguda Productions and hosted by Tintswalo Mushwana which addresses social challenges in modern day South Africa, going beyond just raising issues to focusing on the power of self-appreciation, introspection and the ability to heal.
The show looks at the relationship between intentions and values on the one hand, and actions on the other hand. It does so at both the individual and collective levels.
Vusaseki puts an obligation on us as citizens to look deeper into our selves - not as part of the problem, but as part of the solution. The show departs from the premise that we all have experiences to share and as such are experts in our own lives.
In this show we go beyond just raising issues, instead continually focus on the power of self-appreciation, introspection and ability to heal.
With each episode, both the guests and audiences in their different groupings are reminded that South Africa is a nation of action, and winning over our past is a basis for continued inspiration.
Produced by Dzuguda Productions, Vusaseki was directed by Wanani Rantloane. The title music is by Slam Music and the executive producer was Rudzani Dzuguda.
Broadcast Notes
The series premiered on SABC2 on Friday 21 February 2014, at 18h00. After 13 episodes it went on hiatus to accommodate La Familia 4, resuming with Episode 14 on Friday 22 August, 2014.