Season 1
Fargo is an American dark comedy-crime drama anthology television series created for television by Noah Hawley, based on the 1996 film of the same name and set in 2006 in its first season, which follows a drifter named Lorne Malvo who arrives in Bemidji, Minnesota and influences the population with his malice and violence, including put-upon insurance salesman Lester Nygaard.
An original adaptation of the Academy Award-winning feature film, Fargo features an all-new true crime story and follows a new case and new characters, all entrenched in the trademark humour, murder and "Minnesota nice" that made the film an enduring classic.
Billy Bob Thornton stars as Lorne Malvo, a rootless, manipulative man who meets and forever changes the life of small town insurance salesman Lester Nygaard, played by Martin Freeman.
Other key players include Colin Hanks (Dexter) as Duluth Police Deputy Gus Grimly, a single dad who must choose between his own personal safety and his duty as a policeman; Allison Tolman (Sordid Lives: The Series) and Bob Odenkirk (Breaking Bad) as a pair of Bemidji cops; Kate Walsh (Private Practice) as a former stripper; Oliver Platt (The Big C) as the supermarket king of Minnesota; Glenn Howerton (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia) as an ambitious personal trainer; and Russell Harvard (The Hammer) and Adam Goldberg (Saving Private Ryan) as members of the Fargo crime syndicate.
A 10-episode limited (anthology) series, Fargo is written by Noah Hawley. Emmy Award-winning director Adam Bernstein directed the premiere hour. Hawley, Warren Littlefield, Joel & Ethan Coen and Geyer Kosinski serve as executive producers.
Fargo is produced by MGM Television and FX Productions.