Season 11
MADtv is an American sketch comedy television series created by Fax Bahr and Adam Small which was taped in front of a live studio audience and consists of sketch comedy skits and musical performances. Much of its comedy parodies popular television shows, movies and music, and covers topical, political and pop cultural humour.
The series aired in the USA on Fox from 14 October, 1995 to 16 May, 2009. There are 326 hour-long episodes in 14 seasons.
MADtv premiered in South Africa on SABC2 on Saturday 17 April 2010, at 21h35. Only the first season aired in South Africa.
MADtv takes on today's television audiences with bizarre film and television parodies, cutting political satire, hysterical commercial spoofs along with scathing social commentary and pop culture send-ups, all in their own uniquely crazy style.