Season 2
This comedy-drama series follows Hlabangani (Bheki Sibiya), a reckless and self-centered man, who in Season 1 thought he was dying.
He spilled the beans, confessing to his loving, revenge-driven wife MaShandu (Lerato Mvelase), about the child he fathered with her best friend MaNxumalo (Sana Mchunu).
However, in a plot twist, he didn't die.
In the new season, MaShandu is once again forced to confront her philandering husband.
Hlabangani returns to his old ways and impregnates Nurse Goba (Ntokozo Ngcobo).
He begins to flaunt his new life and embarrasses MaShandu by moving in with his new mistress.
MaShandu decides to take matters into her own hands.
In a dramatic twist, she does something unthinkable which sends her husband on a wild goose chase.
Meanwhile, MaShandu enjoys every second of Hlabangani's confusion and humiliation.
In the Season 2 premiere: After making fun of MaShandu when she asks for an apology, Hlabangani asks the Jilis to have the lobola ceremony at Philisiwe's house.
Icala was created and produced by Match Point Productions.