Season 4
Soul Food is an American television drama series created by George Tillman, Jr. as a continuation of his 1997 film of the same name and based upon his childhood experiences growing up in Wisconsin, which follows the triumphs, struggles, and rivalries of the Josephs, a tight-knit African American family living in Chicago, Illinois.
The series originally aired in the USA on Showtime from 28 June 28, 2000 to 26 May, 2004. There are 74 hour-long episodes in five seasons.
Soul Food originally aired in South Africa on SABC1 from 30 July, 2002 to 4 July, 2005. The series later aired on DStv's M-Net Series, Mzansi Magic and CBS Drama channels. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
The Soul Food series picked up where the 1997 film left off, the Joseph family trying to stay a strong and united family with traditional values while they face daily trials and tribulations.
The matriarch of the Joseph family is Mama Joe who has now passed on but she still remains in spirit with her kindly words of wisdom usually resounded through her eldest grandson, Ahmad.
The family is made up of three sisters, Teri is an intelligent beautiful sophisticated woman who's ambition is to make partner in the law firm she works for.
Then there's Maxine, a stay at home mom who's married to Kenny Chadway who owns a tow-truck company. Lastly is Bird who owns a hair salon and is married to an ex-con, Lem van Adams.
The family is brought together by an old tradition of meeting Sundays for dinner and having soul food together whilst discussing the latest family dramas.
Through the many catfights between the sisters, the affairs, panic attacks, pregnancies, abortions, etc the Joseph sisters will always make their way home to Mama Joe's house where they'll enjoy dinner and recognize that family means everything to them.
Season 1 (20 episodes)
Channel: SABC1 | Premiere: 30 Jul 2002 | Finale: 17 Dec 2002 | Tue, 21h00
Channel: M-Net Series | Premiere: 25 Jul 2004 | Finale: 5 Dec 2004 | Sun, 18h00
Channel: Mzansi Magic | Premiere: 4 Aug 2011 | Finale: 15 Dec 2011 | Thu, 21h00
Channel: CBS Drama | Premiere: 19 Mar 2014 | Finale: 15 Apr 2014 | Weekdays, 21h00
Season 2 (20 episodes)
Channel: SABC1 | Premiere: 2 Apr 2003 | Finale: 13 Aug 2003 | Wed, 22h00
Channel: M-Net Series | Premiere: 5 Jul 2005 | Finale: 23 Nov 2005 | Wed, 20h00
Channel: Mzansi Magic | Premiere: 22 Dec 2011 | Finale: 3 May 2012 | Thu, 22h00
Channel: CBS Drama | Premiere: 16 Apr 2014 | Finale: 13 May 2014 | Weekdays, 21h00
Season 3 (10 episodes)
Channel: SABC1 | Premiere: 12 Oct 2004 | Finale: 14 Dec 2004 | Tue, 23h00
Channel: M-Net Series | Premiere: 30 Nov 2005 | Finale: 25 Jan 2006 | Wed, 20h00
Channel: Mzansi Magic | Premiere: 10 May 2012 | Finale: 12 Jul 2012 | Fri, 00h00
Season 4 (10 episodes)
Channel: SABC1 | Premiere: 17 Jan 2005 | Finale: 28 Mar 2005 | Mon, 23h00
Chanel: M-Net Series | Premiere: 1 Feb 2006 | Finale: 5 Apr 2006 | Wed, 20h00
Channel: Mzansi Magic | Premiere: 20 Jul 2012 | Finale: 21 Sep 2012 | Fri, 00h00
Season 5 (14 episodes)
Channel: SABC1 | Premiere: 4 Apr 2005 | Finale: 4 Jul 2005 | Mon, 23h00
Channel: M-Net Series | Premiere: 19 Feb 2008 | Finale: 20 May 2008 | Tue, 21h00
Channel: Mzansi Magic | Premiere: 28 Sep 2012 | Finale: 27 Dec 2012 | Fri, 00h30/Thu, 23h00