Season 6
Yes, Dear is an American television sitcom created by Alan Kirschenbaum and Greg Garcia which follows Greg and Kim Warner, who struggle to be perfect parents to their son Sam, only for things to get more complicated when Kim's sister Christine, along with her husband Jimmy and their two children, move into their guest house.
The series aired in the USA on CBS from 2 October, 2000 to 15 February, 2006. There are 122 half-hour episodes in six seasons.
Yes, Dear originally premiered in South Africa on SABC2 on Thursdays 23 August 2001, at 20h30. Only the first three seasons aired on SABC2, after which the series was discontinued. The first season later aired on SABC3 and the series also aired on DStv's Comedy Central channel. See "Seasons" below for seasonal broadcast dates and times.
Season 6 premiered on Comedy Central on Tuesday 1 April 2014, at 18h00. New episodes broadcast daily, on weekdays. There are 15 episodes in the sixth and final season.
First time parents Greg and Kim Warner believe in perfecting the job of parenting.
When it comes to his profession, as a motion picture executive, Greg is a winner but he stumbles when it comes to the fatherhood front. His wife, Kim, is a stay at home mom to little Sam and Emily and is obsessed with the idea of becoming a perfect mother and wife.
Her sister Christina Hughes continuously reminds her that "life will never be perfect". She's a mother too and her hubby Jimmy oozes with that care free spirit that Greg never dreams about.
He's unemployed, unconcerned and feels very much compelled to share his life philosophy about being a husband and a parent while still remaining a man with his stiff brother in law.
Yes, Dear's plots revolve around a child rearing, work, sex and often various combinations of the two couples constantly plotting against each other – Jimmy and Greg trying to manipulate each other or their wives.
If it's outlandish and stupid plots you're after or even get-rich quick schemes you're after – Jimmy is your man.
Greg is the perfect example of how a successful man should be and Jimmy, well he's the epitome of what every husband and father should be all about – oh yes, if you match the two you get a great combination of the perfect family man.
Yes, Dear is produced by Twentieth Century Fox Television, in association with CBS Productions. The executive producers are Alan Kirschenbaum and Greg Garcia.
Note: only the first three seasons aired on SABC2 and only the first season aired on SABC3.
Season 1 (24 episodes)
Channel: SABC2 | Premiere: 23 Aug 2001 | Finale: 31 Jan 2002 | Thu, 20h30
Channel: SABC3 | Premiere: 20 Aug 2007 | Finale: 28 Jan 2008 | Mon, 19h30
Channel: Comedy Central | Premiere: 1 Nov 2013 | Finale: 4 Dec 2013 | Weekdays, 18h00
Season 2 (24 episodes)
Channel: SABC2 | No broadcast details available
Channel: Comedy Central | Premiere: 5 Dec 2013 | Finale: 7 Jan 2014 | Weekdays, 18h00
Season 3 (24 episodes)
Channel: SABC2 | Premiere: 27 Oct 2005 | Finale: 6 Apr 2006 | Thu, 19h30
Channel: Comedy Central | Premiere: 8 Jan 2014 | Finale: 10 Feb 2014 | Weekdays, 18h00
Season 4 (24 episodes)
Channel: Comedy Central | Premiere: 11 Feb 2014 | Finale: 14 Mar 2014 | Weekdays, 18h00
Season 5 (11 episodes)
Channel: Comedy Central | Premiere: 17 Mar 2014 | Finale: 31 Mar 2014 | Weekdays, 18h00
Season 6 (15 episodes)
Channel: Comedy Central | Premiere: 1 Apr 2014 | Finale: 21 Apr 2014 | Weekdays, 18h00