All My Children Teasers - March 2012

Written by TVSA Team from the blog All My Children on 29 Feb 2012
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Coming up on All My Children this March, 2012:

Thursday 1 March 2012
Episode 9672

Babe and Di corner Greenlee, trying to make her admit what she did, but Greenlee won't admit anything. Amanda tries to stop the girls from fighting, but things seem to be getting out of hand.

When a reporter calls asking for a story on Spike, Greenlee lies about saving Spike, and it makes the girls even more mad. Annie gives a word of advice to Zach while visiting with Emma. Kendall, Zach, Ryan and Annie finally get good news on the babies' health.

Jack wants Ava to help him clear Sean's name by catching the drug dealers, but Ava is reluctant. She eventually agrees to the deal, but asks Jack not to say anything to Lily. Ava then lies to Lily about the drug charges.

Sean informs Colby about Jack's plans. Adam, Tad and Jack fight. Zach and Kendall name their baby Ian.

Friday 2 March 2012
Episode 9673

Ava, Derek and Jack work on a plan to catch the drug dealer.

At the beach, Aidan wants to know the truth from Greenlee, but she refuses to admit anything, and claims she did what was right for Spike.  As the best solution to the entire situation, Jack suggests Greenlee should leave Pine Valley.

Kendall, Ryan, Zach and Annie are happy when Spike regains consciousness. Annie comforts Zach. Ryan finally breaks down. Ava won't listen to Jonathan, but the man catches up with her at the beach, tells her that he wants her and kisses her.

Monday 5 March
Episode 9674

Jonathan desperately tries to convince Ava that he wants her and that he can't be without her, but Ava thinks he only wants her in bed.

Greenlee is shocked when Jack suggests she should leave Pine Valley, for the good of everyone. They continue fighting until Greenlee realizes she's all alone and that she can't even trust her father.

Babe is surprised and shocked when Erica thanks her for the help with Kendall, and she puts aside the past. She also warns Babe to keep a close eye on Greenlee.

Josh reconnects with Kendall, and he promises that Greenlee no longer exists for him. Adam and Zach talk about the baby but their conversation soon turns into business talk. Zach comforts Kendall. Ava meets with Lenny.

Tuesday 6 March 2012
Episode 9675

Ava is nervous when the police team wires her up for the meeting with Lenny. She in anxious to get as much info from Lenny as she can but Lenny keeps on dragging out their meeting. He soon realizes there is something strange about Ava.

Greenlee tries to write a letter to Kendall, but she realizes that Kendall won't care for anything she has to say. Ryan wants to take Spike home, but Joe suggests that Spike should stay in the hospital at least a week longer for observation.

Zach takes Kendall out to the hospital garden and tries to cheer her up. Kendall worries for her children, and she's afraid that she might not make a mother-son connection with Ian.

Greenlee enters Spike's hospital room and talks to the boy. Suddenly, Kendall and Zach return to find Greenlee, and Kendall immediately grabs Greenlee. They start fighting and knocking over metal plates, but when they fall to the floor, Spike seems totally unaware of it.

Zach turns to Kendall and tells her that there's something wrong with their son.

Wednesday 7 March 2012
Episode 9676

The fight between Greenlee and Kendall is broken when Zach realizes that something is wrong with Spike. While waiting for the prognosis, Ryan tells Greenlee to get out of his life. Joe then informs Zach, Kendall, Ryan and Annie that Spike is deaf.

Somebody kidnaps Greenlee at the hospital. Erica visits Adam and asks him to leave Zach alone, but Adam won't give in. Then Erica starts talking about Spike and Ian, and she breaks down to tears. Adam comforts her, and after she leaves, he informs a person to continue working on the plans to take back Chandler Enterprises.

Jonathan and Lily talk about Ava. Amanda is disappointed to learn that J.R. still hasn't found the missing money, but J.R. surprises her by inviting her to spend some time with him on a yacht.

Ava convinces Lenny to pull out the drugs, but her plan is ruined when J.R. and Amanda arrive at the beach. J.R. starts suspecting that something is wrong and he won't leave them alone.

Soon, Lenny realizes that Ava is wired, so he takes her hostage and drags her to a shack on the beach.

Thursday 8 March 2012
Episode 9677

Tad, Sean, Babe and Stuart help Krystal, Jenny and Colby to move into their new home. Tad and Sean bond while talking about girls. Kendall can't come to terms with Spike's deafness, while Erica surprises everyone by showing how much she cares for Spike.

Annie comforts Ryan, and then makes a phone call asking someone for help. Dr. Delano lets Zach feed Ian for the first time, and then later Zach convinces Kendall to participate too.

Jonathan and Amanda are angry at J.R. for ruining Ava's cover. Lenny negotiates with the police. J.R. enters the shack and tries to convince Lenny to trust him.

Friday 9 March 2012
Episode 9678

Kendall and Ryan spend the night looking over Spike and talking about Greenlee.

At the yacht club, Greenlee confronts Aidan about taking her away from the hospital against her will. He informs her about Spike's deafness and they talk about a way that Greenlee could regain the trust of the people that she hurt.

Adam sees a report about Lenny and instantly claims that it's another of J.R.'s planned situations. Jonathan questions Amanda about her relationship with J.R.

Babe, Krystal, Colby, Sean and Tad arrives at the beach after learning about the kidnapping. Babe worries about J.R. and then reassures Amanda that it's all going to be okay. Jonathan is worried about Ava.

Adam arrives at the beach and Jack immediately reports that Adam was behind the drug charges, so Derek goes after Adam, and Adam soon experiences a sharp pain and almost falls over.

In the shack, Ava and J.R. start arguing. Lenny tries to control the situation, but Ava and J.R. come up with a plan to start fighting. Soon, Lenny and J.R. end up fighting for the gun. Krystal and Colby are trying to take care of Adam, but he refuses to let them help him.

Suddenly, a shot is heard from inside the shack. Lenny and Ava exit and J.R. is behind them with a gun. The police arrest Lenny. Lily rushes to Ava and the girls hug.

Monday 12 March 2012
Episode 9679

Stuart tries to cheer up Adam to make him realize that he can still fix his life, but Adam is hopeless. Suddenly, Stuart has an idea ... Adam will pretend to be Stuart while painting at Tad's house.

Babe wants J.R. to watch out and never put himself in danger again. Adam (as Stuart) enters the house and overhears a conversation between Krystal and Tad in which Krystal admits that she still has feelings for Adam.

Kendall isn't happy when Ryan agrees with Dr. Norton to keep Spike in the hospital longer and then later go to Dallas to pick up the equipment for Spike. Zach saves the day by ordering someone to pick up the merchandise and bring it to Pine Valley.

Once again, Erica puts the subject of Greenlee between herself and Jack.

Tuesday 13 March 2012
Episode 9680

The family is overcome with emotion while the doctors test Spike's hearing. Kendall pushes a crib against a wall while trying to deal with the situation. Erica is also having hard time dealing with the sudden tragedy.

Aidan takes Greenlee back to the crash site, where he tries to make her deal with what she did.

Wednesday 14 March 2012
Episode 9681

The doctors inform Kendall, Ryan and the rest of the family about Spike's hearing and the families have to deal with the truth. Greenlee tries to talk to Kendall, but Josh and Jonathan won't let her.

Zach tries to persuade Kendall to agree on surgery for Spike, but she refuses to accept it. Jack and Erica fight over Greenlee again. Ava makes a deal with a shady manager which promises her a great career, and then Colby confronts Ava about her lies.

Krystal refuses to serve alcohol to Greenlee, so she finds company in a guy named Wheeler and then refuses to accept Aidan's word of advice about the guy.

Thursday 15 March 2012
Episode 9682

A sympathetic Bianca phones home to talk to Kendall and she notices that Kendall has been spending more time with Spike rather than with Ian. Kendall doesn't want to talk to Jack when he refuses to arrest Greenlee.

Aidan punches Wheeler and forces him to leave the bar. Greenlee wonders why Aidan is still protecting her and he gives her an advice about life. Kendall has a nightmare in which she stabs Greenlee - she then wakes up to find Greenlee standing nearby.

Annie informs Di about leaving Pine Valley for a while to meet "him." Zach and Ryan fight over who the man is who caused the pain to the family.

Friday 16 March 2012
Episode 9683

Di covers for Annie when Ryan questions her about Annie's whereabouts. She tells him that Annie is doing research on deafness, but Ryan senses that something is going on.

Meanwhile, Annie visits her deaf father Walter and seeks help, but Walter refuses to have anything to do with his daughter. However, he gives her the address of the person that helped him with his deafness.

Annie breaks down in tears when she learns that the address is actually a graveyard with her mother's grave. Ava enjoys playing a celebrity at the Youth Club, while Jonathan hopes for a great future between them.

Babe questions Di about Annie. Kendall bursts at Greenlee and makes it clear that she will never forgive her for what she's done.

Monday 19 March
Episode 9684

Zach helps Kendall feed Ian and everything is going fine until Kendall has visions of Greenlee with Spike, so she rushes to protect her child. Greenlee finds Dr. Hilliard, a doctor who could help Spike and then secretly arranges a meeting with him.

Annie tells Ryan about the visit to her father. Ryan asks Annie to teach him sign language. Jack gives Erica the divorce papers. They soon get to lovemaking, but their fun is interrupted when footage of their fight is played on the show.

Tuesday 20 March 2012
Episode 9685

A frustrated Jack lashes out at Greenlee. Zach learns that Ian needs brain surgery as soon as possible. Aidan and Di break up when Di informs him about moving to New York City.

Kendall is optimistic when Dr. Hillard explains how to handle Spike's situation, but Zach isn't as convinced as Kendall is. Ryan is proud of Annie trying to help Spike. However, she refuses to talk about her past.

Annie is disturbed when she receives a mysterious phone call of a children's nursery rhyme. Jack refuses to star in another show with Erica, but she lies to the network and decides to go through with it.

Wednesday 21 March 2012
Episode 9686

Aidan is heartbroken after the breakup but Greenlee keeps on rubbing salt in his wound. She is happy that someone else's life is apparently going wrong. She tries to make him play a game with her, but instead he leaves her to pay the check.

Annie is freaked out by the mysterious phone call, and after calling the day camp, she realizes that a man took Emma, but her concern is over when Jonathan comes home with Emma.

Suddenly the phone rings again, but Annie won't let Jonathan answer it. Joe counsels Zach about the problems with Ian. Kendall talks to Dr. Hillard about the treatment for Spike.

Thursday 22 March 2012
Episode 9687

Babe agrees to let J.R. and Amanda take Little Adam for a day trip. Ava arrives at Fusion with Andy Conway, her new manager, and everyone is surprised by her new look until they realize that Andy is a crook.

Babe tears up Ava's contract with Andy and shows him the way out, and then convinces Ava that it's for the best. Ryan refuses to listen to Dr. Hillard. Lily gives Zach a gift for Ian.

Dr. Delano informs the family about Ian's successful surgery. Zach is mad at Kendall for neglecting Ian. Jamie informs Tad about a new job opportunity in a new AIDS clinic in Africa, and Tad realizes he must let Jamie go. Jamie encourages Josh to give the Martin family a chance.

Joe comforts his son. Jamie informs Babe about moving and she's having a hard time letting him go.

Friday 23 March 2012
Episode 9688

Annie won't confide in Ryan about her problems, and when she eventually does, she doesn't reveal much to him. Ava talks to Spike and makes a few life conclusions, although he can't hear her.

Zach vents at Kendall for taking more time for Spike rather than Ian. He visits Ethan's grave, and then later returns to the hospital and embraces Kendall. Babe is having a hard time dealing with the fact that Jamie is leaving Pine Valley.

J.R. joins Jamie and Babe and they all reminisce about the past moments between them.

Monday 26 March
Episode 9689

Zach helps Lily learn how to feed Ian. Kendall is unhappy when Ryan comments on her bad decision to talk to Dr. Hillard, and then she calls him a quitter for trying to learn more about cochlear implants and sign language.

Ryan suggests taking Spike to his home and although reluctantly, Kendall has to let go. Annie goes to work with Emma, and ends up talking about life with Greenlee. She spots rose petals and suddenly has an asthma attack, but Greenlee calms her down and offers to take her home.

Babe is having a difficult time adjusting to changes in her life. J.R. questions Babe about Ava's business contract. Krystal gives some advice about Erica and Greenlee to Jack.

Tuesday 27 March 2012
Episode 9690

A party is underway at The Comeback. Tad and Aidan enjoy a night out, where Aidan tries to forget Di to concentrate on moving on. Krystal entertains them. Aidan mentions a new woman in his life.

Ava is bored by Amanda so she decides to spice up the night by drinking and catching any guy she can. In a moment of boredom and wish for stardom, Ava grabs Amanda and kisses her, and the cameras catch the entire thing.

Kendall is having a hard time trying to accept the fact that her children are sick. Ryan warns Greenlee to stay away from his family. Annie is nervous when Ryan tells her that Spike will now be with them.

Greenlee wants Dr. Hillard to do something about Spike, but he can't do anything because Ryan doesn't trust him. When Greenlee leaves, Dr. Hillard receives a patient - Aidan.

Wednesday 28 March 2012
Episode 9691

Jack confronts Erica after receiving a contract with a show through mail. She admits signing him to a new show and explains that Jack will be involved in a show that will explore real life situations, such as Spike's deafness.

Greenlee begs Dr. Hillard not to reveal her to Aidan and the man suddenly realizes that Greenlee is the woman who kidnapped Spike. Aidan pretends to be a man with a shoulder injury, but Dr. Hillard spoils his cover and sends him out. Then later, he writes a check to Greenlee, saying that he doesn't want to be involved in her games.

Annie is concerned about Spike living with Ryan and her. Ryan is suspicious of Annie's new behavior, and he's sure that Annie is hiding something. Zach finds Kendall trying to hold a baby of an unknown woman.

Annie stuns Zach, Kendall and Ryan by suggesting a solution for the Spike problem - they should all live together in Zach and Kendall's place. Aidan realizes that Greenlee is the one who contacted Dr. Hillard.

Thursday 29 March 2012
Episode 9692

Zach, Kendall and Ryan are shocked when Annie suggests they should all live together. Both Ryan and Zach think it's a bad idea, but they decide to do what's best for their women, although it seems like Ryan doesn't care about Kendall.

Annie sympathizes with Kendall for the trouble she has been going through. At the beach, Greenlee and Aidan finally bond over their past, as they share past experiences and discuss hot dogs. Greenlee ends up choking on a hot dog, so Aidan performs a Heimlich on her and accidentally hurts her.

Lily believes Ava is a lesbian after watching the photo of Ava and Amanda kissing, and Jonathan explains how Ava is trying to get attention to herself. Meanwhile, at the club, Amanda is furious at Ava for kissing her, and she decides to stop being Ava's handler.

Krystal decides to make a special birthday party for Tad.

Friday 30 March 2012
Episode 9693

Babe gives Amanda advice on how to handle Ava. Kendall is shocked when Dr. Hillard refuses to take Spike as a patient. She takes her anger out on Ryan, who then tries to convince Dr. Hillard to help out, but he refuses again.

Kendall pretends not to care anymore, but then she decides to confront the doctor one more time. Annie confides in Babe about having problems, and Babe wants her to be honest with Ryan.

Zach bonds with Ian while he's undergoing a medical procedure. Greenlee is acting strange under the influence of medication.

All My Children is on SABC3 Mondays to Fridays at 14h00.


29 Feb 2012 20:15

that greenlee!she is sooooo much fun!

29 Feb 2012 22:05

You think so? I don't know, maybe it's just me but I miss the old Greenlee. But this thing with Kendel's babies is so heartbreaking. The actress who plays her is outstanding. AMC is actually my favourite American soap. But they put it in such a terrible time slot. Can't they put it in a prime time slot on SABC1 or something?

15 Mar 2012 14:43

Oh god,i luv AMC.i want babe and jr to get back 2gether.greenlee's character is the most believable on AMC.I am luvin' it!

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