King is a Canadian police procedural television series created by Bernard Zukerman and Greg Spottiswood which follows Jessica King, a veteran police officer who gets promoted to head of the Major Crimes Task Force in Toronto after her predecessor has a breakdown on television.
As a Homicide Detective, Jessica King (Amy Price-Francis) sees things that everyone else misses: in crime scenes, in evidence, in the motivations and drives of the suspects. A fearless and imaginative lateral thinker, her unique eye for detail turns cases around.
And she has a rare quality: Jess doesn't need to be liked. That quality gets her into trouble.
Almost two years ago, the former Chief of Police sent Jess to the call centre - the Police Service equivalent of Siberia - for an act of gross insubordination. She went public about corruption on the Force. Some of her colleagues haven't forgotten, let alone forgiven her.
After the shuffle, Jess struggled to accept that the "career" part of things had run its course. She started thinking about something that she'd avoided for a long time. Family. A new life.
So, Jess dove into a third marriage with fellow officer and Guns and Gangs team member Detective Daniel Sless (Gabriel Hogan). Danny adores Jess. But their rigorous efforts to get pregnant haven't panned out so far. And that's putting a strain on things.
When Detective Sergeant Derek Spears (Alan Van Sprang) has a public, televised meltdown, Jessica King is called in to lead the Major Crimes Task Force (M.C.T.F.) – a police squad that is parachuted in to take over cases in crisis. Murder, rape, robbery, gang violence, serial and predatory crime – everything's fair game.
The unit takes over cases already in progress and in crisis. A cop or the courts screw up, or another squad drops the ball and Jess and her team have to work fast, take big risks and probably piss some people off to get it back on track. Like Jess, the M.C.T.F. doesn't have many boundaries.
Spears is less than gracious about the fact that King is now in charge of what was "his" unit. He was a good cop once, very good, and he will be again. But, it'll take Jessica King to help him get his mojo back.
There's chemistry between them and Jess will be tempted - Spears is a lot like the guys she swore off years ago. Besides, she's determined to make her marriage with Danny work.
Colleagues may resent her but King's fierce intelligence, passion for her job, disarming honesty and wicked sense of humour overrides their doubts.
King is a lateral, imaginative thinker whose rare eye for detail gives her a critical edge. And, she's tough. King has survived eight years in Homicide, two marriages and multiple stab wounds.
Off duty, King is a wife, a lover and a friend, who struggles with issues of infertility, intimacy and trust – and like most women, she can't pass up a good shoe sale.