JAB is a South African coming-of-age television drama series created by Lucilla Blankenberg and Paul Ian Johnson and set in the world of competitive boxing, as experienced through the eyes of a young black woman from Langa.
Bee Sondlo (Vanessa Ntlapo) lives with her mother, Gladys, and disabled older brother, Mandla (Mzu Ntantiso). A low-key loner who tries to live her life honourably despite the financial hardships of life in an area riddled with crime, drugs and gangsterism, Bee's private dedication to boxing is her only solace.
When the threat of losing her home leaves her no other option but to fight for money, Bee surprises everyone with the skill and ferocity of her boxing talent.
Her dramatic success sparks an unlikely journey towards the top in the seedy, dangerous world of professional fighting; where every fight in the ring is matched by her fight to keep her soul intact.
Other cast members include Lemogang Tsipa as local gangster Smiley who has a particular interest in Bee's boxing career, Faniswa Yisa as Bee's mother, Gladys, and Zingi Mtuzula as her boxing coach, Conference Johnson.
JAB is produced for SABC by Community Media Trust and was created by producer/director Lucilla Blankenberg and screenwriter Paul Ian Johnson. The theme music is by Daniel Eppel.