Season 1
Close to Home is an American crime-drama television series created by Jim Leonard and co-produced by Warner Bros. Television and Jerry Bruckheimer Television.
The series revolves around a young, aggressive prosecutor with a near perfect conviction record who tries the cases that take place in her own backyard.
It aired in the USA on CBS from October 4, 2005 to May 11, 2007. There are 44 episodes in two seasons.
Close to Home premieres in South Africa on SABC2 on Saturday 8 December 2007, at 16h00.
American suburbia appears to be the idyllic place to live and raise a family. But sometimes, quiet and tranquil streets can hide the darkest of crimes.
Trying these cases - which take place in her own backyard in Indianapolis, Indiana - young, aggressive prosecutor Annabeth Chase knows that the so-called decent guys who blend into society are often the ones who are the most dangerous.
Returning to work after having her first child, Annabeth is excited and ready to take on the most difficult cases, fueled by her passion to protect her community and her young family.
Annabeth maintains a perfect conviction record but her new boss Maureen Scofield, a no-nonsense lawyer, challenges her legal strategies and pushes Annabeth hard.
Although team leader Supervising District Attorney Steve Sharpe is one of Annabeth's biggest supporters, he sometimes worries about how her cases will play in the media and affect the department's image.
And Annabeth's contractor husband Jack remains a rock for her to lean on when the challenges of being a working mother fighting crime infringe upon their home life.
Episode Synopses