All About Relevance in Monday World

Written by makisto from the blog Frankly Speaking on 30 Nov 2010
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This time we shall look at a theme of relevance because it's us TV, music and magazines and newspaper consumers that inform decisions, even Dobra Patta and Redi Tlhabi find Khanyi Mbau irresistible, much to the delight of this attention-seeking gold-digger. But at the same time, there is a hard-working girl who works hards for everything she has achieved and her name is Bonang Matheba.

Bonang and FHM girls
Bonang Matheba and other models during a 2008 FHM lingerie special edition shoot

You can make up stories about her and powder, but Bonang Matheba continues to prove that hard work never killed anyone and it indeed does pay off. Team Bonang is still very relevant to the youth of Msanzi and is a good role model to young and old people alike about launching a career in showbiz. 

Bonang Matheba
Praise her, criticise her, your girl B is here to stay

Us men, are very delighted that we will be kick-starting the first month of 2011 by starring at Bonang's G-String and great butt in the FHM 2011 calender. Yes, your girl B is on the FHM 2011 calender together with other 11 beauties lol. I am keeping my fingers crossed that she wins the number spot in Drum darlings

Khanyi Mbau
Love her, hate her, Khanyi Mbau will remain a bimbo and hoggs lots of media attention, including Debora Patta nogal

Sure, Khanyi Mbau is just a bimbo but you can't ignore her. I mean, the self-confessed gold-digger is everywhere in Sunday tabloids, daily papers and even the likes of City Press, 3rd Degree's Debora Patta and everyone else, find her irresistable. Yes Black people, Khanyi Mbau will be getting 3rd Degree tonight. Debora Patta is doing a story on poverty and why others are splurging millions on non-essentials and the best person to answer these questions is Ms Mbau.

I saw a clip on Sunday with Debora Patta asking Khanyi why she is wasting money while others are starving and she just said, you can't blame me for people starving. I was like duh, doesn't Ms Patta know asking Ms Mbau that questions is like asking a baby why they like throwing a tantrum. I am not missing tonight's episode.

Just so that Khanyi knows, she isn't a role model and yes, we enjoy reading about all her clumsiness, at least I do. 

Sfiso and wife
Sfiso Ncwane is haunted by papgeld issues "all of a sudden"

This year saw schelbs being exposed on papgeld issues. This is a relevant story for 2010 lol. Even the likes of Sfiso Ncwane, who once told Rebecca Malope on Gospel Time that abazalwane bathe abajoli when they are at church but you find them smooching on street corners, is now the subject of a major expose by a series of women. When I saw the story on Drum yesterday, I was like, at least no Generations cover and lemme buy this.

The story tells hows Sfiso might possibly be having four children with four women and when we count his two children with wife, the total number is 6. Even more shocking is that Sfiso's 12-year illegimate child is the same age as his (first born) child with his wife. Hai, le gospel singers! But who is without sin, let them cast the first stone.

Complaining is a good thing, if you don't vote, you don't complain. Voters must start thinking about the cross they will be making next year at the polls. As for Shikota, the two must start a taxi business because their politics are no longer relevant to anyone except their card-carrying members and families.

Redi Thlabi
Even Redi Direko once had Khanyi Mbau on her show.
The Fredman Drive where Talk Radio 702 is at, was a 
hive of activity as everyone wanted to catch a glimpse o Khanyi

Speaking about complaining, Carino does know how to demand what she knows she deserves. She just challenged Makisto and told him to keep up with what he started. Hai, le Black people and complaining, it's good though. If she didn't, would you be reading this? Just so you guys know, I have been busy on double-deadlines and adjudicating some corporate awards. Talk about over-working employees. It's all good though because men don't have the same advantages as Khanyi Mbau.

Khanyi Dlomo
The epitome of what makes a great role model

Speaking of relevance and the name Khanyi, it is only fair that we acknowledge the beautiful powerful Khanyi Dlomo. Firstly, congrats on her pregs and we thank her for giving us Destiny and Destiny Connect, Destiny Man and Destini Now, this is one woman who knows what is relevant in the media scene and knows exactly how to identify  gaps. Can I see hands that still say Destiny is just another True Love magazine?

Harry Potter
The final fight with he who not to be named is on. Harry will have to offer himself in 
a Christ like sacrifice in order to defeat lord Voldemort as the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy head master Dumbledore and Harry's godfather Sirius Black are all dead. Relevant stuff for 9 years!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows just released nationallly on 26 Nov and die hard Harry fans have already seen it. I must watch this movie before it releases on DVD. Author JK Rowling and Director David Yates sure know how to keep fans entertained for almost a decade. The books have sold millions of copies world wide making Rowling a stinking rich writer. The movie le yona is over 2 hours 30 minutes, eish.

Lelo Boyana
Lebo Boyana is one year[s] old. Happy birthday little girl!

Gossip is still relevant and team Lelo Boyana is going strong at age 1. I must say the 1st birthday message didn't sound like it was from a 1-year old. But nonetheless, it wa great reading it. Here is to another one year of success!

Here is to another 12 years and 3000 episodes of rivetting stories

Isidingo is 12 years old, celebrates 3000 episodes and is getting better and better with each storyline. The show remains relevant in all of SA soapies and boasts A-list directors and first-class actors. Here is to another 12 years and another 3000 episodes of great edutainment.

Kanti why isn't Segololo still writing movie reviews now? Makisto was hoping to see a Deatly Hallows review. Or is the movie blog no longer relevant Segs?

Babalwa Mneno
Model behaviour: Cnglemother wants Babalwa as SA's Top Model host

Hawu bantu, kante why is Jo-Anne Strauss going to host SA's Top Model. Phela Cnglemother wants Babalwa Mneno to host as she has the makings of a Tyra Banks as opposed to Jo-Anne smiling. Makisto thinks Jo-Anne is doing very well on Top Billing and a show of AMNTM nature isn't her fort. How do you say, you are no longer in the running to become SA's Top Model while smiling all the way?

Ok, this is the last time I ask a Blaqueboi question Black people ne, kante why is Blaque tight-lipped about whether he is attending 04.12 TVSA or not.

Is a show like Popstars still relevant? Makisto is just wondering because he's never watched a single episode this year. What happened to Rebecca Malope's daughter on the show? It just goes to show, your mom's status aint yours lol.

Lundi Tyamara
Just so you know, Lundi denied having said this!

His behaviour hasn't exactly been that of a model Christian let alone a gospel singer but Lundi's music is still relevant even today. Last night I just played Mphefumlo Wami and the song is still as good as it was in 1998. I hope he wont go nuts on me on Thursday for our appointment like he did with Daily Sun. Phela I'm a fan on Lundis shem. Since I have all his 11 albums, I am a loyal fan and all.

Shrien and Anni Dewani
The makings of a tradgedy: Haunting all those related and Anni's 
spirit will turn from the grave in search of the truth. Why does the media
say Shrien could be a suspect?

Hee banna, who killed who or who arrange the Dewani marriage? The tourist murder story is very relevant and much so to the international arena and the poor widower, Shrien Dewani is a suspect. Is Shrien twisting things when saying SA police are under political pressure? But shem, we do understand because when we experience pain and when we are angry, we say things we would normally not say. Was Anni the jewel of Shrien's shrine? Makisto hopes so but giving sequence of events that is questionable may put a spanner on the wheels lol.

Has anyone started reading Nelson Mandela's conversations with myslef. That book is apparently great and Makisto wanna buy it. I can only hope it's not getting this praises just because it is a Madiba book.

Pictures courtesy of various sites on the web. Makisto sends out his love to various web content managers everywhere for formatting the pics in such way that we can copy them.


30 Nov 2010 11:08

Nimrod Nkosi looked very nice and elegant last weekend with his jeans and stiped blue shirt, i like his semi-formal look.  I really love his show and should be getting more publicity.  Trevor Noah, i can tolerate but i can't seem to watch at least five minutes of Loyisa Gola.

The husband in the Dewani case did it and he should come clean,,,he should have known better phela General Bheki Cele is not in the business of kissing criminals.

I was shocked about Simphiwe Nyanda's deployment, but then again why should i be, this is the new ANC afterall.  Why is Malema is quiet all of a sudden?  

Sowetanlive bloggers are something else, each and every article turns into sex and the usernames, tjo!!

30 Nov 2010 11:12

lollest @ Dobra Patta

30 Nov 2010 11:24

wena if you dont meet kundi dont ever blog again,hunt him down,corner him in public toilet or kidnap him if need be!

30 Nov 2010 11:25

eish,lundi not kundi i typed fast coz i am mad

Sana Lwam
30 Nov 2010 11:26

true dat Mathaz about Sowetanlive reminds me of the old TVSA.

Am I the only one that doesnt see any relevance in the KFC "holy oxygen" ad?

Kanti why does Nandos and Cell C have similar ads, are the comedians fighting or what coz I dont see anything amuzing in the new Nandos ad. 
*forgive me for asking about these food adverts, I'm thinking about what to eat for lunch, u know black people when they get paid they think about take aways*

30 Nov 2010 11:30

*forgive me for asking about these food adverts, I'm thinking about what to eat for lunch, u know black people when they get paid they think about take aways*

triple kwaz @sanalwam... this is so true...

30 Nov 2010 11:57

lol you guys are funny. Mathaz, I didn't watch Nimrod's show last week on Soweto TV. I will watch next week because this week is 04.12 TVSA. YOu really know how to do this Mathaz! Eish MAGNET2DISASTER , I hopes he pitches but I think he will, phela I'm also his fan.
Tltltltlttl, Carino, Debora Patta and Khanyi Mbau, the cat fight goes down tonight! Eish Sana Lwam, yes comedians are fighting lol. They always do but in a funny way. I only watched the Trevor Noah show once, I must watch it again this Friday.

30 Nov 2010 12:44

Thank you maki.. for the Tuesday Independent... :-)

30 Nov 2010 13:20

Bonang's a hardworker and i salute her.....she's hot too

Arghh man Lundi is so gay even a 1 year old could see that!

Am I the only one that doesnt see any relevance in the KFC "holy oxygen" ad? 
Mxim, that ad is cr!p. I'm yet to see the Nandos ad that everyone seems to be talking about

Congratz to Isidee

30 Nov 2010 13:21

Maki great writing as always!will read ebusuku ova tea gota go to i wish they'd repeat the Lundi interview with DR Love on sowetotv for u to see.Its the most hillarious interview ever for me on tv.

30 Nov 2010 13:22

Lol @Carino and the Tuesday Independent.
Thanx PruLuv. Patta is really doing well with the show. The show is tonight lol, it's Tuesday today hence Carino says it's Tuesday Independent. 
It would be a real shame if the husband killed the wife.
The CNN is reporting that Anni's life was insured and they are asking who stands to gain on Ashni's death because her death was senseless.

30 Nov 2010 13:28

how i wish they'd repeat the Lundi interview with DR Love on sowetotv for u to see.Its the most hillarious interview ever for me on tv.
When was this? I hardly ever watch Dr Love's show. When is his show again? I missed out itjo, phela I'm a lundi fan people.
Maki great writing as always!
Thank you Cnglemother!
I'm yet to see the Nandos ad that everyone seems to be talking about
Me too Zah00 and the and the oxygen one as well.

30 Nov 2010 13:30

@Mathaz, Loyiso's show is just not on.i get so embarrassed 4 him.the guy aint funny at all,the sketches are wack!he must pull off the plug b4 we lose the lil bit of respect we had 4 him as icomedian.that show is gona ruin his credibilty.

30 Nov 2010 13:43

Dr Love's show times are so incosistent you can neva tell,the interview was aired eary 2010.trick is to go to reminder menu via tvguide and look out for it.its btwn 00:00 and 02:00 wheneva.

30 Nov 2010 14:21

Yoooo Modimo waka, maar ooBonang badla ini? Ive been trying to eat healthy bt i just cant get an ass like that. I love her shoes though

They (Bonang & Khanyi)  both look chillies. I will stay 4ever naked if i had a body like that. 

I know u wont believe me bt i dreamt about Ms Dlomo being pregnant and here she is. Hayi i dunno bt Congra to sis. I like this woman. She's a natural beauty.

The Dewani saga hayi mna shame i dont wanna say anything bt this story is smelling i saldanha le ye chillie.

Ngiyayi enterisha ke le competition ye SATM. I'll start eating veges when i come back from Dec holidays.

Bad news i dont think im coming to the party or else i will come late. Family comes first bathong.

30 Nov 2010 14:26

Myname, even if you come late it's fine mos. Please do enter the SATM and you know bloggers will root for you just because you are one of our own.

30 Nov 2010 14:31

i wont miss 3rd degree tonight and im so in love with Harry Potter's movies, i never miss any of them, i have to harry and watch the present one showing.

30 Nov 2010 14:38

Makisto, please explain why you say Khanyi is a gold digger and why she will remain a bimbo.

I saw a clip on Sunday with Debora Patta asking Khanyi why she is wasting money while others are starving and she just said, you can't blame me for people starving. 
Is she wrong in responding the way she did?

 so that Khanyi knows, she isn't a role model and yes
Be careful with that statement, to some she is a role model.

30 Nov 2010 14:48

please explain why you say Khanyi is a gold digger and why she will remain a bimbo.
, she is a self-confessed gold-digger.
I personally believe Khanyi Mbau is a bimbo because no one in their right frame of mind can do what she does, trying to steal Theunis Crous aint on and dumping your child with your mother so you can gallivant isn't on and doesn't display positive features of a great role model. She is bimbo because she cannot use her mind and earn what she wants on her own without using men. Though she uses them, at the end of the day, she is broke like everyone else.
Is she wrong in responding the way she did?
Yes you can't blame her for people starving but I  and others can blame her for her child and mother starving while she is busy buying R25 000 dresses. Essentially she is wrong in replying the way she did because her own flesh and blood sometimes is starving while momy-dearest is attention red-carpet functions.

Be careful with that statement, to some she is a role model.
I am not sure about this but she is only a role-model to those who just wanna sit down and get things done for them without lifting a finger. Khanyi isa failed actress and a  failed singer but a famous person yes she is. What does she have to show for her fame at the end of the day, nothing. I am not sure if people will look at someone who has nothing to show as being their role model.

30 Nov 2010 15:16

@Realist, she is a self-confessed gold-digger. 
I missed the confession; can you please provide the link or the quote?

I personally believe Khanyi Mbau is a bimbo because no one in their right frame of mind can do what she does, trying to steal Theunis Crous
Makisto!! Do you really believe what you just wrote? Do you honestly believe a guy that old can be stolen by a young girl like Khanyi!! Come on now for once give this khanyi a break. Theunis moved in with khanyi on his own accord. 

Remember one thing; people like Khanyi are a rare breed and you know what I'm referring to. There is a reason why these sugar daddy’s get carried away by people like Khanyi. They should be the ones that are embarrassed and not people like Khanyi. 

dumping your child with your mother so you can gallivant isn't on and doesn't display positive features of a great role model.
Makisto, do you have proof that she dumped her child?

Role model to whom?

I and others can blame her for her child and mother starving while she is busy buying R25 000 dresses
You and the others do you have proof that her mother and child are starving?

30 Nov 2010 16:01

@Makisto how many mothers and fathers who dumb their children with their mothers? What Khanyi is doing I bet 98% of people are doing it but we do not know about it because they are not in the media. I think Khanyi is far better than woman like this venda lady ( The Mathata Tsedu's saga ) woman who kill for insurance money. There are mothers who dumb their children with strangers so I say it is better to dumb her with your mom than a stranger.
If I afford to buy R25 000 dresses why can't I?????How many of us here who are getting bonuses at the end of the year? Did we ever think of buying maybe one family a grocery of atleast R5000????????Instead we are all planning some holidays.
So to Khanyi I say if you afford go for it If the likes of Crous wants to be diggers Dig them Girl and Dig deeper

30 Nov 2010 18:31

Im gonna take a nap and read this later, looks inneresting...i chuckled at this bit from the first potion:
Us men, are very delighted that we will be kick-starting the first month of 2011 by starring at Bonang's G-String and great butt in the FHM 2011 calender is tru...YOU men just like watching bo Bonag in theor gstrings and we have to accept it.

BTW...the girl with tatoo by her waist below Bonang, the coloured girl is that girls from that little drama that replaced Soul Buddues...*thinkinggggg*..... the drama is based in cape town.....about teen students running a paper from school...arg i forgot...i loved her charatcter on that lil drama, I kind of dont like her career path because she was my soul sista in that drama, little miss feminist...but im sure the guys love seeing her in her gstring makisto?

30 Nov 2010 19:42

arg they just the same that is mbau & bonang just that 1 works & the other doesn't. oho!

30 Nov 2010 19:51

debra must tell mbau off i cant wait. umtshele izindaba zakhe, uyaphapha nje ukhanyi. nxa

01 Dec 2010 08:09

and the photos r not photoshoped

01 Dec 2010 08:17

hey guys , did anyone watch the interview yesterday, Mbau is something else maan, there is something that she said that realy realy makes me realise she is not that stupid as people things she is.

1.she said she is not going to feel guilty if she is eating crusanes and other people are eating bread.
2. She will never date a poor man.

we all know how is debra but guys shedidnt stand a chnace with that Mbau girl , i had to admit i was impressed

01 Dec 2010 08:26

@Maud I was impressed too she looked very proffessional the way she was sitting the dress and the mak up and she was not rude at all

01 Dec 2010 11:23

I also didnt expect Khanyi to look so professional and for the first time I thout she was beautiful

the reject
01 Dec 2010 12:25

We all are entitled to our own opinions,but sadly enough I feel some opinions are ridiculously STUPID.

01 Dec 2010 12:50

@reject, like you said everyone is entiled to theit own opinion(ridiculously stupid as you put is its also your opinion.

Queen Elizabeth
01 Dec 2010 15:41

I think the question we need to ask ourselves as women and as mother about the Khanyi Mbau saga is that; is that the kind of a daughter we would like to raise? We as blacks we need to emphasise on growing the black middle class; making sure that black Girls in particular are educated,articulate and dynamic. Once we hav this breed of young women Then it will decrease the number of vulnerable black young women looking for sugar daddies to take Care of their needs while they can still shake their tooshie. Your worth is not determined by the price Of your clothing label. Some young girls today they are HIV positive becos of hustling and their vulnerability. Please young ladies get an education and that will open the door for you to endless possibilities. My son is 22yrs old Doing a post graduate degree at MIT in Boston straight from the townships And I raised him not to be materialistic but to put emphasis on long term investments. Masivukeni!

01 Dec 2010 16:12

Yo gal B! Big UPS!

02 Dec 2010 09:39

if Blaq confirms he will make the 4.12 TVSA, then i will fly into the Mzansi for the party. Blaq please say you will :-)

02 Dec 2010 14:21

Off topic please, whose the guy next to Babalwa on that picture?  

02 Dec 2010 14:21

Off topic please, whose the guy next to Babalwa on that picture?  

02 Dec 2010 14:21

Off topic please, whose the guy next to Babalwa on that picture?  

02 Dec 2010 15:44

isn't the fame of Khanyi Mbau a sad indictment of us all as a society? What exactly are we celebrating by her fame?

02 Dec 2010 15:57

@Queen Elizabeth - are you 100% of what your parents wanted you to be? because i know i am not. my Parents wanted me to be a doctor guess what i am not ,what i am trying to say i dont think Mbau,s parent has anything to do with the life she has chosen. it might be a questionable life to us, look at her she enjoys it,

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